If you’re anything like me, you can find yourself in the liquor store on any given night spending as long as ten Chicago minutes to decide what the heck you actually want. You walk in, look around for something appealing in the front first, you’re feeling adventurous so you wander over to the import beers, no sales, and you quickly talk yourself out of to drinking a beer you can’t pronounce all night. You shift to the domestics where you start calculating ounces to dollars, looking for that hidden sixer of tall boys that saves you a buck from the 12 pack… college budget. Then, next thing you know, you’re sitting on your couch watching a game with the usual Budweiser in hand… real adventurous.
To my boring beer drinkers, and craft brew connoisseurs alike, this Saturday, January 21st at the Local 22, a perfect pint sized event is commencing. Alpha Beer VII: The Chicagoland Edition, is a 3 hr tour of all the lagers, ales and frothy brews you can drink. I’m talking about a total of 26 different beers, one for each letter, to satisfy all your taste buds’ needs and leave you feeling for a lack of a better word, well…drunk. I am SOLD. The best part about this event is that the focus of these beers will be on Windy City (and surrounding area) breweries. Chicago has seen a kegs worth of new small craft breweries, and specialty liquor stores in the past few years and the scene seems to constantly grow among Chi-towners, you have to respect that. California, you can keep your wine scene, were starting our own over here that doesn’t require any ridiculous glasses!
Guiding all of you enthusiasts will be Chef Jill Houk, who certainly knows a thing or two about the naughty water. A former smuggler of Bell’s Two Hearted Ale (before it was sold in the 2nd city), and home brewer who has hosted multiple beer appreciation events, she will be as entertaining as she is passionate. It should be an epic night! Get your tickets in advance at the link below and save $10 off the $50 price at the door. Eat, drink, and be merry!
For more info on the event you can click here.
– Cheers
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