Now that spring is finally here (well, at least officially on a calendar—no thanks 40-degree weather), we begin to see and hear about all of the races that are popping up on the Chicago radar. There are so many events that support amazing causes, but what if you haven’t been training for a 10k or what if running just isn’t really your thing and you still want to help out? Good news, you’re in luck! The 3rd Annual Hunt for A Cure is the perfect way to get out and about in the city while supporting the Alzheimer’s Association to raise money—without having to huff and puff your way alongside seasoned marathoners!
Did you know that an estimated 5.4 million people have Alzheimer’s? Or that it is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States? I don’t know about you, but I was shocked to read those numbers. The Hunt for a Cure aims to help do their part in lowering those alarming statistics all while supporting the Alzheimer’s Association, which is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. So in keeping align with their cause, the Hunt for a Cure is actually a scavenger-hunt that not only works you physically, but mentally as well!
The event will take place on Saturday, April 27th at 2:30 p.m. at Black Rock in Roscoe Village. Each team will have to answer clues and complete tasks that are thrown at them along the way. Oh, and it’s a digital scavenger-hunt, so participants will have to bring a digital camera along to document each step they complete! Also be sure to sport a purple shirt that day in honor of Alzheimer’s disease! To find out more click {here}
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