Note to reader: Do not pack lunch the week of January 21-25. Leave your salads and half eaten left overs at home…it’s chili time, ladies and gents.
Everything chili is coming your way next week at Rockit Bar and Grill during their 5th Annual ChiliFEST! And when I say everything, I mean it. Look forward to big bowls of delicious body warming ingredients fit for every taste and newly revolutionized diet. Partner and Executive Chef Amanda Downing has been busy building a vast menu of chili-licious-ness…and believe me, it’s definitely going to live up the hype! Just take into consideration the last five years that RBG has spent dedicating a whole week to solely chili…pretty legit to me.
Veggie/vegan lovers can also indulge in this glorious chili inspired menu of $10 offerings (think lentils, soy sausage, edamame, bell peppers, cumin, tomatoes).
Chef Amanda may be accommodating of city slickin’ vegetarians who are conscious of their diets, but meat lovers’ don’t fret because the menu includes tons of indulgent options fit for a chilly Chicago day. I’m most excited for the chicken chili because I’m a sucker for a white-beaned bowl of goodness but bacon, pork, beef and Andouille sausage are also included on the menu for the darker meat partials. Also…chili fries anyone? Salad can wait ‘till dinner.
Oh, I’m also waiting in excitement for the chili-mac, as well. Mac and cheese trumps everything else in my book. Add some yummy turkey meat to complete the recipe and I’m in love.
So make your reservation! I know you want some chili in your life.
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