It was 2003, and I was watching television as I was pounding away the fat on my treadmill. Peter Greenberg, the’ traveler guide’ talked about a spa in California, where so many of their clients were diagnosed with cancer, they decided to offer a special spa day for the survivors. I looked at the T. V. and said, ‘I can do that.’ Now, in 2013, Cancer Survivor Beauty and Support Day is celebrated in all 50 states on the first Tuesday in June. This coming Tuesday, June 4th, all across the country, men, women, and children cancer survivors will be enjoying a special beauty service at one of the almost 1000 participating places of beauty.
This event is the only one of its kind in our country for cancer survivors. There is absolutely no fund raising and it is recognized in the Congressional Records in Washington. Beauty shops, barber shops, salons, spas, massage salons, and beauty schools all generously open their doors to cancer survivors. Other than the shops here in my home town I do not know the owners and they do not know me. Yet, I call them and they say, sure, we want to help cancer survivors. I have developed a ‘telephone relationship’ through the years with many of the owners or managers. I have owners who tell me they were just about to call me because they knew it was almost time for my event. Many have said they knew I would be calling them about now. They all remember and just can’t wait to participate. Many times they share with me that one of their workers was diagnosed during the year. I hear every imaginable story about family illnesses during the past year. We simply have become friends who have yet to hug! I even had one owner, a widower, ask if I was single. His wife passed away from cancer and the more we talked about my event, the more he felt I was the right woman for him!
Almost every person I call remembers me from the year before, and they want YOU to come see them. They really want the survivors to take advantage of the day. There are several hundred places right here in Illinois waiting for you to call them. For more information click here, then go to the participation list and go to Illinois. It is never too late to make your appointment. And remember, the real beauty of the day is the support it gives!
– Barbara Paget
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