I know a lot of people throw academy award parties across the nation, but wanted to let you know of the 51 “official” academy award parties sanctioned by the academy of motion pictures, arts and sciences, chicago has had one of these “official” parties for the last 16 years!
One of my scariest press memories actually was when I hosted it about 5 years ago w/my buddy Amanda puck who dragged me in to do steve dahl’s radio show absolutely terrified because for months he had been making fun of me live his show (even made my mom cry once when she heard him in the car)! In the end, glad amanda helped me face my fear, because ended up that steve and I realized we were actually two nice guys that totally didn’t understand the other til we talked in person.. and we actually created a very nice friendship out of it!
Anywho, this year the official party celebrating the live simulcast of the 82nd annual academy awards will be from 6p-11p sunday march 7th at the gene siskel film center (164 n. state st) hosted by great friends like roger & chaz ebert, harold ramis, Betsey steinberg, mike mcnamyer, Amanda puck, david zapata, brook jay and more! tickets at ticketmaster (link that)are $100 & all proceeds will benefit the gene siskel film center of the school of the art institute of chicago- enjoy!

I know a lot of people throw academy award parties across the nation, but wanted to let you know of the 51 “official” academy award parties sanctioned by the academy of motion pictures, arts and sciences, chicago has had one of these “official” parties for the last 16 years!
One of my scariest press memories actually was when I hosted it about 5 years ago w/my buddy Amanda puck who dragged me in to do steve dahl’s radio show absolutely terrified because for months he had been making fun of me live on his show (even made my mom cry once when she heard him in the car)! In the end, glad amanda helped me face my fear, because ended up that steve and I realized we were actually two nice guys that totally didn’t understand the other til we talked in person.. and we actually created a very nice friendship out of it!
Anywho, this year the official party celebrating the live simulcast of the 82nd annual academy awards will be from 6p-11p sunday march 7th at the gene siskel film center (164 n. state st) hosted by great friends like roger & chaz ebert, harold ramis, Betsy steinberg, mike mcnamara, Amanda puck, david zapata, brook jay and more! tickets at ticketmaster are $100 & all proceeds will benefit the gene siskel film center of the school of the art institute of chicago– enjoy!
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