Here’s a video of this very cool news report that one of my twitter followers sent to me about the top restaurants in 2009… and sunda is the first one!
Made me think of all the “top 10” things everyone is doing with it being the end of the year and all, so thought I would do my own… this morning i asked my twitter & facebook friends what are the biggest things to happen in chicago in 2009 and here are some of the things shared…. thanks all!
Twitter :
@rbstang1966 – Oprah says she is quitting show
@jpc671 – Chicagoan Barack Obama becomes the 44th US President!
@J_Ara – violence in CPS schools
@bentenenbaum – bad year for sports & weather sucked
@pc671 – rolling out of the pay boxes for city parking
@LuisLeanos – Governor Rod Blagojevich was impeached
@JillDK – art institute opened their new wing
Facebook :
Tim Ryan Olympic bid.
Mary Iwanicki Oprah’s season opening on Mich Ave.
Jessica Odehnal Sears Tower becomes Willis Tower.
Xleo Xhernandez Mark Buehrle=PERFECTION on July 23
Lety Campos Billy Dec not just words but words in action “Principal For A Day” inspite of busy schedule inspiring kids.
Shelley Hughes We got Cutler…but he sucks
Marea Pasquesi Sunda!!!!!!!!!!!
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