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A Karaoke Fundraiser to Fight Hunger

Its tomorrow! And we need you there!  Serious- Its only a $20 donation & I am buying drinks & food from 9-10p, at rockit Wrigley- so stop by and support! I have been talking about helping Haiti...
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Support Haiti vs/& Home Live on Mancow WLS Radio

Friend of mine on twitter @stealx & a ton of others hit me during my interview on Mancow wls radio Friday expressing how much of a stressful scary situation I was caught live on air!  Well, I got it on...
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Live on KISS FM w/ Drex about Chicago Haiti Support

Chicago, and the U.S. in general, has really done an amazing job to support the victims in Haiti in this tremendous time of need - as discussed in this behind the scenes video of me & Drex live in KISS...
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Your Social Media Voice is Making a Difference

it’s definitely a whole new world with you & social media in my life!  Every year I make my own marketing plans for all my venues based on what I think is hot- but this year I let you, my friends on...
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Heating up Chicago w/ Grandma's Goulash!

Chicago is a family loving melting pot!  And I love when that melting pot is shared to bring warmth to all of us… with that, I really enjoyed this story in the chicago suntimes today featuring my chef’s...