Common Ground: Creating Change Creatively Through the Common Ground Foundation

In the wake of Chicago’s highest violence rates ever amongst its youth, the citizens of this city are hopeful and confident that the circumstances that Chicago’s inner city is facing will significantly improve. Hip hop mogul Common is bringing hope back to the city of Chicago with the 4th Annual Common Ground Foundation Gala and Fundraiser!

Let’s Paint the Town Red with the Chicago Bulls Charities!

As if you really needed another reason to love our Chicago Bulls! This year the Stimulus Social Club is celebrating their 5th Anniversary, and this month they chose to spotlight the Chicago Bulls Charities, also known as the CharitaBulls. Read more about their upcoming event!

Get Served… By Chicago Celebartenders! Baderbrau and Common Threads host Brews with Benefits

I'm a firm believer that good health and happiness naturally beget each other! On March 25th that's exactly what Baderbrau, Chicago's original craft beer, and Common Threads intend to do. They are inviting us to come together, at the Brews with Benefit charity event, to support their healthy cause and celebrate. Proceeds of this event are going to benefit the Chicago Common Threads programs.

Culinary Care Celebrates 500 Meals Delivered!

Culinary Care is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that delivers meals to in-need families & individuals affected by cancer to help provide one less worry during such a difficult time. We started in 2013 and we are now celebrating our 500th meal delivered!