Chopin Productions presents “The Almighty” May 11, 2015 Chopin Productions is proud to present “The Almighty,” a short film about a young woman’s quest to find love, but her answer comes through an encounter with a supernatural being. This amazing story...
Civic Legal Corps hosts Fundraiser to Serve Families Unable to Afford Legal Help May 7, 2015 New Non-Profit Organization That Serves Families Unable To Afford Legal Help Hosts First Fundraiser with Second City Improv Ensemble at a Local Art Gallery! Have you or someone you know ever been unable...
The Alzheimer’s Association 28th Annual Chicago Rita Hayworth Gala May 5, 2015 “The Best is Yet To Come” Join the Alzheimer’s Association and support a great cause at The 28th Annual Alzheimer’s Association Chicago Rita Hayworth Gala! On Saturday May 9th the annual spring...
The Mothers in the Mills May 4, 2015 For over five years, The Puppy Mill Project has been working quietly out of the spotlight as they’ve worked to educate the Chicago community and beyond about puppy mills. On May 9th, the eve of Mother’s...
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas May 1, 2015 In case you forgot, Mother’s Day is May 10th, did it sneak up on you too? Well, fret not because I’m here to be your gift-idea-generating, fairy godmother extraordinaire. Why? Because I care, and also...
Chicago Canine Rescue’s 1st Annual Fundraiser- Art Unleashed! April 22, 2015 Art and Dogs – a winning combination! Join us on April 24 from 7pm-11pm for Chicago Canine Rescue’s (CCR) unique fundraiser, Art Unleashed! Held at one of Chicago’s prime venues, Architectural...
9th Annual “A Toast to Life” event benefiting ALS research April 21, 2015 Join Us for the 9th Annual A Toast to Life event benefiting ALS research will be held at Park West, 322 W. Armitage Ave., Chicago, from 6:30pm-10:30 p.m. The ALS awareness and fundraising event will feature...
Vinyl: The Full Experience April 20, 2015 Hello friends! My name is Taryn, one of Billy’s new interns this spring, and I’m here to tell you that vinyl is back in a big way! As humans we are constantly craving new experiences and different ways...
Pastoral Artisan Cheese, Bread & Wine Hosts The 5th Annual Pastoral”s Artisan Producer Festival this Saturday at Chicago French Market April 19, 2015 On Saturday, April 25 from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Pastoral Artisan Cheese, Bread & Wine, together with Chicago French Market and presenting sponsor Specialty Food Association, will host the 5th Annual...
Chicago Band Sources International Talent for Music Video April 10, 2015 For the first official video from the second Cooler by the Lake studio LP, Summer’s Over, bandleader Rory Lake tapped talent exclusively from the website "Not Innocent" features seventeen...