Black Gossamer Exhibit at Columbia College

What’s up guys and dolls? It’s Wanjiku Kairu signing in from Billy’s office to tell you about a pretty awesome gallery you need to check out ASAP. As you all know, February is Black History month, and in honor of the occasion The Glass Curtain Gallery at Columbia College has been decorated with beautiful and eccentric art work for the Black Gossamer Exhibit collected by curator Camille Morgan. I was able to hang out and interview Camille with my iPhone to discuss the gallery, and what I found will blow your mind! The Black Gossamer displays art created mostly by African American artists and expresses their views on the African American identity in society. Every piece of art will not only entertain you, but educate you as well, it’s a win-win.

A Night of Murder And Mystery At The Art Institute of Chicago

The Art Museums planned multi-million dollar purchase of a fine Leonardo Da Vinci classic has come to a bloody halt. The museum curator has just been murdered, and it’s up to you and your team of investigators to discover who done it! All you have to do is crack the code left in the curator’s appointment calendar to discover what drove his murderer to commit such a dastardly crime. Shocking secrets will be revealed as you and your mystery team discover clues that uncover the murderer and his motives.

Chicago History Museum Displays Designer Charles James Genius Deconstructed Exhibit

Join the fashion elite at the Chicago History Museum from now to mid-April and check out Chicago native Charles James Genius Deconstructed exhibit! Imagine yourself in these vintage gowns and take notice to the fine architecture and craftsmanship brought to you by Charles James.Born in 1906 James has astounded the fashion world by creating incredibly crafty and perfectly detailed garments. A young James taught himself everything he knows about creating garments, from fitting hats to glamorous gowns. With extreme ingenuity and the eye for fashion, James opened his first hat shop in Chicago at the age of 19. His garments are often adorned with ribbed corsets and fancy collars, and more often than not cascade down and outward. James has always had high profile celebrities like Coco Chanel pining after his creations. Marisa Tomei recently rocked out in a vintage gothic Charles James piece earlier this year at the Oscars, and Angelina Jolie wore an elegant gray tight fitted James dress in the Tourist shortly after.

Warhol in Winter – Art Institute Evening Exhibit with Empire Screening

Watch out, IMAX. Chicago’s winter skyline is about to become a giant movie screen. On Friday, December 9, The Art Institute of Chicago, supported by the Graham Foundation for Advance Studies in the Fine Arts, will beam Andy Warhol’s celebrated conceptual film “Empire” onto the top 12 stories of the Aon Center to mark the opening of the museum’s new photography exhibition, Light Years: Conceptual Art and the Photograph 1964-1977.
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Who do you think is best in Chicago!?

Just voted for the Chicago Reader "Best in Chicago" awards online! Figured I would share my answers since everyone asks me on Twitter and Facebook about my Chicago favs! (BTW, sorry did these fast, was in a...
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Nightwalk 2010 Chicago School of the Art Institute

If you haven’t been to the Modern Wing at The Art Institute of Chicago, here’s an excellent opportunity to do so while taking in cutting-edge fashion at “nightwalk 2010!”  This late night fashion...
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Natalie Merchant for Poetry Center of Chicago

Poetry might not be the first form of entertainment that sells tickets or the most popular artistic method practiced among all, but realize it or not, poetry has been the inspiration and driving force behind...
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February Free Days at Art Institute Chicago

I'm goingIn LA recovering from Grammys last nite and got a tweet from my pals at The Art Institute of Chicago about it being free the entire month of February and had to spread the news! Seriously, one of...