I saw this interesting message going around… thought you might like to see quick paraphrased parts of it to get snapshot of what’s happening behind the scenes and how it could effect a lot of people…
Dear Representative: I am writing to you and the many concerned citizens in the Chicago area to express our opposition to huge increase in the liquor, wine and beer excise tax. The $4.00 per gallon increase in liquor along with the significant increases in beer and wine will undoubtedly have an impact on the service industry which always seems to bear the brunt of the tax increases.
The Illinois Restaurant Association represents business owners that generate more than $51 million a day in sales and employs over 500,000 Illinois residents. These businesses are essential to the Illinois economy. Restaurant owners are in the forefront of dealing with the current economic realities and are most sensitive to changing tax laws.
The proposed increases in the Illinois Excise tax for Spirits, Wine and Beer will give Illinois and Chicago the highest taxes in the Midwest. Each increase will adversely affect the restaurant sector and the Illinois citizens who work for restaurants.
(How do you feel about it? I would love to know… but definitely contact your Rep too and let them know… b)
Unnecessarily high prices for both spirits and tobacco. Not acceptbale. Send me back to Mexico, please