Early New year prediction: I pull my numb face off a mirror, peel my withered tendril of a former feather boa off the sticky club floor and grope about in the dark For my shades….it’s a brand new year, is that howling I hear outside?..is it the year of the diamond dogs? No-not quite, however I do know that I, Chris Connelly , am fulfilling a secret dream of mine to step into the shiny black brogues of the THIN WHITE DUKE and be him for a night, and not just ANY night, January 11th, just 3 days after his 66th birthday! And where? Oh-the METRO, my favorite venue! and why? Apart from why NOT!? Because it’s for the Pablove foundation an amazing organization established to provide relief for the patients and families of pediatric cancer .
Okay-I’ve found my shades, I ‘ve found my battered and somewhat shapeless bolero hat and I had to call someone so picked on my friend & co conspirator in all this MATT WALKER , he is playing drums. He’s played with the Smashing Pumpkins, he’s played with Filter and he’s played with Morrissey, and right now he’s asking why I’m not at rehearsal yet, so I tell him I’m on my way. Leave the charred remains of whatever club this was, I notice the elevator’s broke, so I slide down a rope, down to the streets, y’know…..
On the way down, I shout out to my friend SHIRLEY MANSONof GARBAGE ..tells me she’s not busy that night, and even if she was, she’d dump everything to sigh like twig the wonder kid, get up on the metro stage and belt out some Bowie with me-so, along with the best musicians in Chicago we are SONS OF THE SILENT AGE, we play the music of DAVID BOWIE, it sounds AMAZING, we are doing it with the incredible JON LANGFORD’S WACO BROTHERS, who will play the music of Bowie’s peers T.REX, and the enigmatic DEATH ON THE AUTOBAHN who will play the music of KRAFTWERK…ALL ON ONE NIGHT!!! All for a sweet charity, and for $20…IT’S A CRASH COURSE FOR THE RAVERS!
Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/tVOmMIUI via @BillyDec
RT @Connelly_Chris: Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/tVOmMIUI via @BillyDec
RT @Connelly_Chris: Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/tVOmMIUI via @BillyDec
RT @Connelly_Chris: Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/tVOmMIUI via @BillyDec
RT @Connelly_Chris: Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/tVOmMIUI via @BillyDec
RT @Connelly_Chris: Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/tVOmMIUI via @BillyDec
RT @Connelly_Chris: Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/tVOmMIUI via @BillyDec
Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief | A Chicago Thing http://t.co/GX6dtOct
RT @Connelly_Chris: Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/tVOmMIUI via @BillyDec
RT @Connelly_Chris: Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/tVOmMIUI via @BillyDec
2 more weeks! I’ll be there! Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/mTlGMi90 via @BillyDec
RT @Connelly_Chris: Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/tVOmMIUI via @BillyDec
RT @Connelly_Chris: Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/tVOmMIUI via @BillyDec
Big fan! “Chicago Music Legends Play Bowie, T. Rex & Kraftwerk for Cancer Relief – http://t.co/ZqMJv6xK “via @Connelly_Chris
Musicians who played w/ @SmashingPumpkin @garbage @itsmorrissey…Jam together here: http://t.co/rWNPtcfh @aChicagoThing RT if a fan!