The holidays are here – Tis the season to make wishes come true! No organization makes that happen more often than the Make-A- Wish Foundation, which granted 702 wishes last year to terminally ill children throughout Illinois. In December, Make-A-Wish will grant close to 100 wishes alone! The organization has been fortunate to have great supporters but, like most organizations, the economy has had a direct impact on the number of wishes they are able to grant this holiday season. Make-A-Wish is extremely proud that in their 23 year history, they have never had to turn down a wish child due to lack of funds. They are all working very hard to honor that record and be able to grant 700 more wishes this coming holiday season and into 2010. Here is a great local Make-A-Wish success story with a way you can help make those wishes come true…
(kr see if can condense this nxt paragraph down half the size)
Robert Heidkamp III – Bobby is a charismatic eighteen-year-old boy. While Bobby has many good friends, he remains reserved and what his family calls, “an old soul.” He loves to play his guitar, write songs and is an avid reader. In November of 2008, Bobby was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. He underwent a first round of chemotherapy and just started a second rotation of treatment. Although it makes him weak, Bobby continues to put up a good fight – all the while maintaining his amazing sense of humor. When asked to wish BIG, Bobby wanted his band, A City Sunrise, to perform at the Warped Tour. Thanks to the efforts of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Illinois, his wish was granted! Bobby and his band mates got to sing for twenty minutes in front of a 200-person crowd. Bobby’s parents said, “It helped Bobby stay positive in a way no one else could.” Thank you for giving Bobby and his family the priceless gift of hope. You have turned his dream into reality!
One way you can help is to join us this Thursday night (12/17) for the annual The Grinch Who Gave Back X-Mas @ the underground. A donation of $20 is suggested at the door with a private reception from 9 to 10pm. DJ Eric CubeeChee from Bravo’s hit show “Launch My Line” will be spinning all night long for this great occasion! RSVP: VIP@rockitranch.com

The holidays are here – Tis the season to make wishes come true! No organization makes that happen more often than the Make-A- Wish Foundation, which granted 702 wishes last year to children with life-threatening diseases throughout Illinois. In December, Make-A-Wish will grant close to 100 wishes alone! The organization has been fortunate to have great supporters but, like most organizations, the economy has had a direct impact on the number of wishes they are able to grant this holiday season. Make-A-Wish is extremely proud that in their 23 year history, they have never had to turn down a wish child due to lack of funds. They are all working very hard to honor that record and be able to grant 700 more wishes this coming holiday season and into 2010. Here is a great local Make-A-Wish success story with a way you can help make those wishes come true…
Robert Heidkamp III – Bobby is a charismatic eighteen-year-old boy. While Bobby has many good friends, he remains reserved and what his family calls, “an old soul.” He loves to play his guitar, write songs and is an avid reader. In November of 2008, Bobby was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. He underwent a first round of chemotherapy and just started a second rotation of treatment. Although it makes him weak, Bobby continues to put up a good fight – all the while maintaining his amazing sense of humor. When asked to wish BIG, Bobby wanted his band, A City Sunrise, to perform at the Warped Tour. Thanks to the efforts of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Illinois, his wish was granted! Bobby and his band mates got to sing for twenty minutes in front of a 200-person crowd. Bobby’s parents said, “It helped Bobby stay positive in a way no one else could.” Thank you for giving Bobby and his family the priceless gift of hope. You have turned his dream into reality!
One way you can help is to join us this Thursday night (12/17) for the annual The Grinch Who Gave Back X-Mas @ The Underground. A donation of $20 is suggested at the door with a private reception from 9 to 10pm. DJ Eric CubeeChee from Bravo’s hit show “Launch My Line” will be spinning all night long for this great occasion! RSVP: VIP@rockitranch.com
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