It’s summer beach bod season and Alex Vasileski of A Mind Body and Total Fitness is hosting his second workout from his fun, weekly summer workout series at Ohio Street Beach this Saturday, June 29 from 9:30-10:15 a.m.
The workout series called #Exposure2013 features exercises that focus on the abdominal muscles using the body as the apparatus. Although the level of difficulty will progress each week, the workouts incorporate modifications making the exercises perfect for all fitness levels.
Participants are encouraged to bring a $10 donation to support a different charity each week. Nishil Patel will host this Saturday’s workout and donations will support Charity4LIFE, an organization that rehabilitates street children worldwide.
The first workout on June 22, which supported Imerman Angels, a one-on-one cancer support organization, was a huge success with more than 35 participants.
The workouts are open to the public so bring your friends and family for some fun in the sun. Core Power will be at the event distributing protein shakes. Other special goodies and water will also be available for participants to enjoy.
The third workout hosted by Samantha Saifer Berngard will take place Saturday, July 13 and will benefit her organization, Fit Club Chicago. There will not be a workout on July 6 due to the 4th of July holiday.
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