A lot of what goes into being a chef is giving something back to others; usually it is in the obvious form of creating wonderful food for guests to enjoy. Another part, is giving back to our community and Chicago is one of the greatest communities out there.
There are so many opportunities to give back to the community throughout the year and many where chefs and restaurants take center stage to help support various causes. Some events that myself and Rockit Ranch executive chef James Gottwald and our entire crew have been a part of have been: Meals on Wheels Chicago (www.mealsonwheelschicago.org), Grand Chefs Gala (www.grandchefsgala.com), Taste of the Nation (www.strength.org/) as well as many events and classes supporting Common Threads (www.commonthreads.org ).
New to us earlier this year has been the Organic School Project (OSP) where we were invited to a mac and cheese sMACdown, which was a fun community event where local novice cooks competed with local chefs for the Mac daddy title; there was more than enough cheesy noodles to go around. (and we are proud to say, we are the Mac daddys!). Since then we have been invited to participate in their Fall Harvest Community Dinner happening Friday November 20th from 6-8pm at Leslie Hall (1111 North Wells St).
This event will be a celebration of the season with a community dinner showcasing the fall’s harvest using all organic products. Rockit will be serving an organic version of our roasted butternut squash soup. It will be a fun way to support such a great program where all the funds raised will support the OSP’s Grow, Teach, Feed after school program for children.
The mission of OSP is to combat childhood obesity and related health epidemics through the Grow Teach Feed model, laying the foundation for urban youth to build sustainable lifestyles. To learn more about their work with over 3,500 kids since their founding in 2005, please visit www.organicschoolproject.org
To show your support: tickets for the Fall Harvest are $35 for adults through Nov. 13th and $40 thereafter.
A lot of what goes into being a chef is giving something back to others; usually it is in the obvious form of creating wonderful food for guests to enjoy. Another part, is giving back to our community and Chicago is one of the greatest communities out there.
There are so many opportunities to give back to the community throughout the year and many where chefs and restaurants take center stage to help support various causes. Some events that myself and Rockit Ranch executive chef James Gottwald and our entire crew have been a part of have been: Meals on Wheels Chicago, Grand Chefs Gala, Taste of the Nation as well as many events and classes supporting Common Threads.
New to us earlier this year has been the Organic School Project (OSP) where we were invited to a mac and cheese sMACdown, which was a fun community event where local novice cooks competed with local chefs for the Mac daddy title; there was more than enough cheesy noodles to go around. (and we are proud to say, we are the Mac daddys!). Since then we have been invited to participate in their Fall Harvest Community Dinner happening Friday November 20th from 6-8pm at Leslie Hall (1111 North Wells St).
This event will be a celebration of the season with a community dinner showcasing the fall’s harvest using all organic products. Rockit will be serving an organic version of our roasted butternut squash soup. It will be a fun way to support such a great program where all the funds raised will support the OSP’s Grow, Teach, Feed after school program for children.
The mission of OSP is to combat childhood obesity and related health epidemics through the Grow Teach Feed model, laying the foundation for urban youth to build sustainable lifestyles. To learn more about their work with over 3,500 kids since their founding in 2005, please visit www.organicschoolproject.org
To show your support: tickets for the Fall Harvest are $35 for adults through Nov. 13th and $40 thereafter.
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