My good buddy Destiny’s Child’s Michelle Williams and I went to support Kanye West last night and his Foundation’s effort to fight drop out rates & improve literacy, before she took off this morning for London to begin rehearsals for the musical “chicago”(go see her july/aug!). It was amazing-
I tell ya, the world knows kanye is a “chicago rapper” … but you don’t really feel it til you join a raging die hard crowd of Chicago kanye fans in the historic chicago theatre screaming along w/ kanye live all in effort to fight for our chicago school kids, the future of our great city! it was real chicago on another level-
And I know this might be crazy, random & possibly not relevant, but want to share a personal moment where in all the crowd chaos, emotion, cheers, music,… I connected w/ kanye on a different level for a second… it was like everything stood still & all got quiet for a small moment when I heard him say something that goes through my head all the time… and it knocked me out to hear it… he explained that its great to be home amongst friends & good people, it sucks to have haters & all that make it hard to do your thing… you got to just do your best… and then he said the line that always goes through my head… “when i’m working… all i’m thinking is they’re gonna love this in chicago” … which when I say it to myself just means… I do this for the good people in my hometown I share it with and allow me to work hard, create & serve… the rest can just keep talking
I love Kanye’s music, I cannot deny that he’s talented. What I dislike is his demeanor in public and in the media….either they catch him in all his bad glory or I don’t but he’s like the Kobe of the music industry. I am glad to read however that his work is done with Chicago in mind. It’s a great city to be from and represent!
Hey, nice post, really well written. You should blog more about this. I’ll certainly be subscribing.
Kanye’s image has matured a little bit. I’m not a huge fan of the music on this new album., but I am proud that on 808s & Heartbreaks, he finally shed his arrogance and let the listeners in on who Kanye really is.
Please! If you are truly a chicago fan and do what you do for your city you would have mentioned the other simply stunningly amazIng acts that opened up for him. Those are the people that need to be recognized. He got lucky and so did you and now you have a responsibility. There’s a quite obvious reason they call chicago the city of haters and it seems to be this blog right here. You love to name drop and recognize the obviously famous people you know but fail in an epic manner to uplift and promote the talent the city still contains. Kanye wasn’t the only one from chicago that has talent and he’s certainly not the last.