it says alot that the world’s best musical talent & fans descend on the great city of chicago this weekend as the chosen location for lollapalooza- and we are all super excited! this weekend also brings the best of pre & post parties like the ones in the crazy video above at the underground! (btw, best situate being on lists now- limited space & such a blast! all info for this wknd at – oh, and i also love this video of katy perry rockin it live w/us too! cool video- on )
we should also be thankful that lolla organizers c3 signed on w/ mayor daley & chicago for 10 more yrs driving us a minimum of $13 million in revenue & many other benefits like the $1.6 million c3 donated to our park districts for improvements to their support for my fav initiatives “After School Matters” and the chicago 2016 Olympics! (more info on seeya there!
Wow! I miss all the fun.
looks soooooooooooo fun! wish we would’ve bought tickets to lolla… wanted to see depeche mode too!
Bravo, it’s a great idea