I sort of mentioned a bit about what glamorama is benefiting last week, but think there is definitely more to say… that and I feel a lil “dirty” after the weekend from my video post with Jamie Foxx to tweeting about A Rod (along the right hand side of my blog below)… its just time to bring it back to my core a bit…
My mom introduced me to the Ronald mcdonald house when I was just a young lil boy, allowing me to play with and share really fun times w/ the seriously ill children that were blessed to stay there while in town w/their parents between their treatments at children’s memorial hospital. I remember that playing w/ the Ronald mcdonald house kids felt very special in that their happiness for that moment was larger than life, and I knew it came from what this very special place had to offer.
It was a little sad that soon as I made a special friend there, they would have to go away, sometimes because