I took the night off Saturday for once and it ended w/ catching up w/ paris hilton… but before this gets silly, let me just give a couple shoutouts to those that made my night super special… thank you to avec chef koren grieveson & owners Donny & Edward who all rock! And thank you to the entire crew at enclave that were so nice to us! Thank you all for the perfect experience! And that brings me to the silly story I was going to tell about catching up w /paris late night Saturday which I can only imagine is not interesting to many… so warning you now, don’t read on if this isn’t your bag…
long story short… paris and I laughed because the last time we hung out was the night of her sister’s infamous wedding in vegas years back… “oh, those were crazy times” she says… totally… so crazy that I thought I would share how crazy for those of you that were sick enough to press the “read more” button and are still here wanting more…
again, long story short, met a cool girl working a job 4-5yrs ago stopping thru chicago and we became instant good friends- all night at rockit she was texting her girlfriends who she called paris, nicky, Lindsay, whatev… I actually didn’t know much about what was going on but this girl proceeds to invite me to join them in vegas the next day… I never would do that because I am a workaholic scared dork, but my assistant at the time was all star struck by the names thrown around that she booked me on a flight the next day for a quick 24hr trip thinking who would pass this up…
well, being the only guy probably at the time that would pass something like that up, I try not to go- but the girls call me all day screaming into the phone saying get your butt on that plane chicago boy blah blah blah… I thought it was all getting really funny and was holding a ticket so i just did it… I get off the plane and there is a car waiting told to bring me direct to security at a big stuff mag party at the palms hotel… security grabs me and my backpack (which is all I brought) and thrusts me through massive crazy party crowds in full blow raging mtv danceparty mode around a pool with doug e. fresh rapping (who I love) while thousands of party people are fighting to get close to a big stage with a couch of girls dancing on it that hoards of people are crowding to photograph… I realize security is bringing me to that stage fast and furious… I get up and they all scream chicago boy is here type stuff and they all introduce themselves w/ hugs… its paris & nicky Hilton, Lindsay lohan, tara reid, and nicole Richie,… oh, and me & my backpack.
long story short I end up as the only boy on a serious party train (carrying my backpack of like dorky pj’s in it or something) to every club in the vicinity…tara jumps into the pool wasted,… everyone dances without her… I end up in a bathroom talking to paris about urlacher… tara ends up fighting w/someone in group causing the group to divide and take sides… I end up with lohan at ghostbar… the wilmer dude is hating on me just before I get pulled away by the other group to console tara, he is pissed, followed by nicky deciding to get married, we all meet up somehow later, I somehow get latenight food and eat til I pass out on some floor for an hour before paparazzi causes chaos for all, everyone starts running for their drivers… i run to airport and realize nicole richie’s cell is in my pocket… home w/in 24hrs…
wow, that was a stupid story… but you asked for it! OMG, going to cleanse myself…
Actually a funny story. One thing though — u gotta get a guy to ghost-write your entries (and your facebook posts, etc). Your public persona sounds like a 19-year old valley girl!
And turning down Vegas with a bunch of HOT woman.. ARE YOU NUTS?! MAN!
this story reminds me of the familiar quote: “Friendship is almost always the union of a part of one mind with the part of another; people are friends in spots.” (George Santayana)
hella random
I was turned on to your blog by a friend who used to work with you…long story short…he told me to read your blogs because they are truly the funniest things ever…not funny in the way you intend for them to be though…can’t wait to read more…love the hat…i am guessing no hair on top…anywho good times…i love the twitter comments on the the real billy dec by a dj in the area…those are awesome
Are you effen kidding me? That story rocked!!! Loved the description of yourself as “workaholic scared boy.æ.. and don’t listen to anyone who criticized your post and writing style. It’s immediate, exciting and to the point. I want to go to such a party and have such a night! Whoo hoo Billy and your little backpack too!!
Lynne Jordan