I can’t believe patrick died, I really thought he was going to beat it. I knew the odds were bad, but he was so physically, mentally and spiritually strong, that I actually thought if anyone could beat it, he could. We had some amazing talks that I will never forget- super deep and spiritual about life- he was that kind of guy- he had super piercing eyes that said he really thought about what he saying and meant it… yet it also seemed he would say things without even thinking, free as a bird. And so funny- we laughed a lot between asking each other a ton of questions. Seemed like he reflected a lot on funny life situations with questions that started… “have you ever notice when?” or “you ever feel like?” …and I would ask a lot of serious questions about how he managed to be successful in the entertainment industry while always staying true to himself, leading his own life, his own way,… regardless of the pressure, with such a positive outlook… all while maintaining a beautiful personal life, with lisa, his horses, martial arts,…
This video above was from when I interviewed him for access Hollywood at the underground for “the beast” wrap party on November 23rd, 2008. I didn’t really keep up with all the media hype, but apparently he had not done any interviews after being diagnosed with cancer, and really hadn’t appeared at any events before or after this, so it was sort of a shock to most that it actually happened the way it did. Funny, we didn’t really think much of it at the time? I randomly brought it up that access asked me if I could do the interview for them, and he and lisa looked right back at me with a thoughtful smirk and a somewhat immediate “ok.” Guess that’s why I liked him so much, he cared about his relationships, experiences, and all he had going on that he was truly passionate about, and didn’t care about those other things.
Will never forget how energetic and silly we were that night… he texted me the whole way over excited… excited to thank all from his show, but mostly excited to take the love of his life lisa home, and to be with his horses… at the party we joked about a scene I was in with him where i played an fbi agent who had to point a gun at him… he said, you better not have really aimed at me! we rapped about how cool his bday party was over looking lake michigan a couple months earlier… we talked about how we hadn’t had a chance to train in martial arts as planned and he said- I can still kick your ass! … finally, I told him in secret that I had to roll because I was jumping on a plane at that moment to propose to my girl who he had met and liked when I brought her to set and to his bday… and will never forget him grabbing my arm real hard saying… well get going son- get the hell out of here and get going! No time to waste… And when you’re done come down and ride horses with me and we’ll practice some martial arts…
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