Woke up to the song “crazy” by gnarls barkley on the today show saying rolling stone
called it the song of decade? I’m not feeling that- but couldn’t come
up with one to sum it all up- so asked my friends on twitter and
facebook- and here is what the first 10 people to respond said:
Jim Cavanaugh Notion or Use Somebody by the Kings of Leon!
Carlos Escabedo Beyonce’s ‘Put a ring on it
Roselynn LaMontagna Empire State of Mind
Stacy Atchison Reed Black Eyed Peas “I Gotta Feeling”
Toula Gregory Sideris I Gotta Feeling!! I agree!
Howard Sims anything from the movie “Nine”
Mehpara Angelina Suleman Umbrella or lollipop??
Givon Ward Empire State of Mind by,JAY-Z AND ALICIA KEYS
RockRollGhost I totally see that. Maybe it should have been “Hey Ya”,
but “Crazy” was an INSANE hit. Genre defyingly so.
Katie Rose Cronin : toss up between Kanye’s “Jesus Walks” or Coldplay’s “Scientist”
“Amazing” by Seal
you know i vote for anything off the new NKOTB album like “single” featuring ne-yo.