Social Media Week: Chicago September 17, 2012 **Updated Sept 19th :: Billy Dec and Rockit Ranch Productions Host Chicago's Official Social Media Week Kick Off Party! Monday, 9/24 at Rockit Bar & Grill (22 W Hubbard) - 8pm Open to the public! Meet, greet and network w/Top Social Media Pros, CEO's, Influencers, Movers & Shakers all night long!**
Chicago Ideas Week – Bringing the worlds top speakers together with Chicagos best thinkers to create an ecosystem of innovation, exploration, and intellectual recreation! October 5, 2011 Chicago Ideas Week is fast approaching. Described as “100 Speakers. 7 Days. 1 Electrified City,” Chicago will be hosting a multitude of great thinkers during October 10 - 16. Each topic and event will be focused on trying to “create an ecosystem of innovation, exploration, and intellectual recreation.” Created by Groupon cofounder Brad Keywell, “[he] saw a need for a great platform in the Midwest that helps connect thinkers and doers."