Dream Gala 2013: Honoring our Struggle, Unveiling our Future April 11, 2013 I’ve learned that it's enough to indulge and be selfish but true gratification comes when you start giving back to your community. Hey Windy City! My name is Christine Chiu and I’m new to Billy Dec’s intern team! As you all know April is full of amazing events, much like the Start Early 5k-10k Walk/Run and the Chicago Improv Festival, but one in particular has reached out and grabbed my attention and I would love to share it with you all-- The Dream Gala 2013!
Gala at the Zoo?! May 23, 2012 Friday, June 1st promises to be a one-of-a-kind night at Lincoln Park Zoo. The zoo’s auxiliary board is hosting their signature fundraiser, Zoo-ologie, in the heart of the Zoo. All the proceeds raised during this unique event will go towards helping care for the animals, keep up exhibits, as well as continue education initiatives all while keeping the zoo free to the public. Lincoln Park Zoo is currently one of only three free zoos in the entire country – and we want it to stay that way! If you live anywhere near Chicago, chances are you’ve enjoyed the beautiful grounds of the LP Zoo at some point in your life. As a DePaul Alum, I walked through the zoo countless times on my way to and from the beach just because I could; not much is free these days, so you have to take advantage and enjoy those few things that are.