Empower through entertainment: that is the Kollaboration mission. Who are we? We are a non-profit organization that is dedicated to building a strong Asian and Pacific Islander (API) presence in the entertainment industry. We work not only to provide a creative outlet for API individuals to showcase their talent but also to redefine the presence and perception of Asian Americans in entertainment, media, and performing arts.
The CEO of Rockit Ranch Productions, Billy Dec, is currently looking for Fall Interns! We are looking for outgoing, fun, energetic people who love Chicago, believe in our brand, want to work hard, learn a tremendous amount and have a strong grasp on the current and up and coming social media platforms and trends.
Hello Chicago! I’m Vanessa Casciano, Community Relations Director for Magellan Development Group LLC, and I want to welcome you all to Chicago’s newest community, Lakeshore East! Lakeshore East, the New East Side’s hottest urban development is located east of Columbus and Randolph – where the Chicago River meets Lake Michigan.
With so many fun events going on in our busy city it can be difficult to decide what to do. If you are bombarded by events and feel your friends pulling you in different directions, think no more! What if I told you, that you could experience a concert, art exhibits, and philanthropy all in one place? You are invited to The Evening Associates and The Art Institute of Chicago’s third annual fundraising celebration—Night Heist.
What better way to celebrate Mardi Gras in Chicago this year than with a themed cocktail party featuring a premium open bar, heavy hors d'oeuvres, a live dj, amazing raffle packages and dancing?! The annual Blackboard Affair takes place this year at The Chicago Cultural Center on Friday, February 8th at 7pm. VIP tickets are available and include a pre-party reception from 6-7pm with exclusive VIP bar access, co-hosted by Chicago Bear's kicker Robbie Gould’s public charity, The Golden Touch. Here’s some pictures from last years’ event!!
The CEO of Rockit Ranch Productions, Billy Dec, is currently looking for Spring interns! We are looking for outgoing, fun, energetic people who love Chicago, believe in our brand, want to work hard, learn a tremendous amount and have a strong grasp on the current and up and coming social media platforms and trends.
What happens when you combine leaders in the world of Chicago arts, culture & entertainment? An incredible musical that takes its audience on a journey of reflection and self-discovery through song, dance, fashion and design. Sita Ram began in 2002 when Krithika Rajagopalan of Natya Dance Company commissioned founding ensemble member of the Lookingglass Theatre Company, David Kresnar, and Grammy-nominated composer, Jai Uttal, to create a world musical that encompassed Chicago’s rich diversity and culture. The first show premiered in 2006 and was a great success. The Hindu epic, Ramayana, is the basis for Sita Ram as it fuses together the past, present & future – all themes that are as relevant today as they were 3,000 years ago when Ramayana was first written.
For over 3 years now we at Rockit Ranch have shared our platform with up-and-coming talent of all kinds in Chicago, showcasing them right here on aChicagoThing.com, to give our city's potential future entertainers a celebratory & supportive boost toward a quicker & more successful entry into the Art, Culture & Entertainment industry in our city & beyond!
I love the city of Chicago!
No, really I do. Especially in the summer time! There’s always something going on, right? Well, if you didn’t know that and find yourself bored on the weekends you can look forward to festival season. It’s quickly approaching and the city and burbs (yes, I know it’s suburbs) offer a variety of activities during the warm months. From the middle of May till the end of September, you can catch something every weekend.