In 2009, All Pro, Former Chicago Bear, Jerry Azumah and I attended a charity event at the House of Blues for President Bill Clinton. During our visit with the former White House resident, President Clinton said something that would stick with me forever. He mentioned contributions from American households comprise 75% of all giving to nonprofits every year. I looked at my friend and event co-chair, Jerry and smiled knowing the work we did for the Azumah Student Assistance Program (ASAP) that included small donations from our tight and influential network, was a piece of that 75% and our efforts were a part of a bigger picture. A picture that includes over 1,300 listed charities in the Chicagoland area alone!
If your anything like me, you can find yourself in the liquor store on any given night spending as long as ten Chicago minutes to decide what the heck you actually want. You walk in, look around for something appealing in the front first, you’re feeling adventurous so you wander over to the import beers, no sales, and you quickly talk yourself out of to drinking a beer you can’t pronounce all night. You shift to the domestics where you start calculating ounces to dollars, looking for that hidden sixer of tall boys that saves you a buck from the 12 pack… college budget. Then, next thing you know, you’re sitting on your couch watching a game with the usual Budweiser in hand… real adventurous.