Click here to listen to the interview: Billy Dec & Joan Cusack Host Piven Theatre Workshop Benefit - WGN Radio The Piven Theatre Workshop Gala Returns Piven Alumna & Award-Winning Actress Joan...
It's that time of year again for Jeremy Piven & Billy Dec to join forces and host the best party of the year all to benefit the Piven Theatre Workshop & their new Theatre they are building!! Every year these two guys do whatever they can to help raise funds for children's art & theater scholarships in Chicago and without exception it's always a good time, it always brings out a fun, philanthropic crowd, celebrities, pro-athletes, media, influencers, movers & shakers… it's the perfect opportunity to party it up for an excellent cause.
I woke up at 5am this morning for a BIG press day with Billy. We had to do 5 radio shows, a live tv show & a PSA all in 5 hours when he literally just stepped off a plane from France, Hungary, and Austria 12 hours prior. When he initially told me about how much press he wanted to do BEFORE he was live on Windy City Live- I thought it was absurd, but in all the time I have known him, I can say he pushes himself to work beyond what most people think is feasible. The main purpose behind all this press was to talk about two events that are the very important to him to support art & theatre in Chicago & raise scholarships for kids - The Madhatter's Ball & The Piven Theatre Gala.
This video of Jeremy Piven & I on set of HBO's "Entourage" is not only funny, but explains what kind of work we have been doing to raise money for children's art & theatre scholarships for about 10 years now- check it out (its from last season, so event info for this year is updated below!). Actors out of Chicago like John & Joan Cusack, Kate Walsh, Aidan Quinn… Have all benefited from the same classes (I'm giving away a classes below!) and have hosted the same events with us over the years (giving away some afterparty tix below!) and I look forward to seeing who will make it big out of there next!
if you follow kate walsh, jeremy piven & i on twitter (if not, click here to follow!), you probably have seen us talk about the event above! now I get why private practice's kate walsh deserves an...
as you saw from my wild and beyond hectic pictures from this weekend, it was a crazy past couple of days hanging out with john mayer, hosting the annual piven theatre workshop benefit with jeremy piven,...
it's always a pleasure to chat and catch up with my buddy david kaplan on comcast sportsnet - we covered all things chicago but more importantly, our hometown champs - the chicago blackhawks (you have to see...
Jeremy Piven & I made this quick lil fun video for you & your friends while i was on the set of hbo's "entourage" playing the role of one of ari gold's agents! it's about how you can get on the...
If scroll down to the Jeremy Piven video below- you will see him making fun of me while we were filming a scene together on entourage insisting that I keep my day job! (ya, I know, he's right) Anywho,...