Look out Chicago, a sea of red is coming on June 4th +5th! The first week of June marks the second annual Redhead Days Chicago, a two-day event focused on celebrating the beauty of redheads!
The stars are out and there’s an eerie essence in the cool night as the tension between two rivals starts to heat up. Right around Halloween, there always seems to be some type of event that allows the two to go head to head to see who the better spook is. The vampires believe that their sharp teeth and pale skin will be the best fright. Although the zombies think their guts hanging out will bring lots of terror. This rivalry has been going on for quite a while, and there is only one way to settle it…
“It all started with a big group of Durkin’s regulars; thirty single chicks, taking over the bar, yelling obscenities about Cupid, love and the men that they pretended not to care about. That’s when I thought, ‘Screw Cupid,’” said Durkin’s Tavern Owner, Greg “Coach” Neal. Today, Bar1 Events celebrates 15 years of the Screw Cupid Trolley Crawl!
Hey, I'm Doug Simons, a restaurant broker who has been placing some of Chicago's top restaurant and nightclub operators in business for many years and my partner, Ted Widen who owns ChicagoScene.com, and I are throwing a huge pub crawl in River North called Craft Crawl River North!