Wow, look what resurfaced w/ all the hype about transformers this week- Someone sent this pic of me & shia labeouf hanging out @ the underground about an hour before his infamous silly arrest at walgreens- and wanted a comment- well, ya- we had a lot of fun, but nothing too outrageous- scary thing was, I called it a night sending him to his hotel jokingly writing on my biz card “call me if get lost or arrested!” omg- was kidding!
Anyway, shia is a smart dude, really talented and an interesting character… I’m sure he will rock this movie. I actually got to catch up w/ another chicago visitor/fan my old buddy transformer director michael bay over dinner at sunda couple wks ago and he was just in a zone about how hard they worked on it, how great it turned out, how psyched he was for all to see- so no doubt, these 2 great talents together are going to make magic! Can’t wait til they bring a project to chicago!
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