In 2010 Grace, our 9-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Stargardt Disease, a juvenile form of macular degeneration. Since this time, we have been active participants in the Foundation Fighting Blindness to raise awareness, money, and support for the blind community. Grace’s vision is slowly degrading as her central vision becomes less and less. In the past year she has experienced struggles in school, decreased ability to walk alone at night and feelings of fear about going blind. The Foundation is actively funding research and doctors that have made great advancements in gene therapy and retinal regeneration, both will be necessary to cure Grace’s condition.
The Foundation Fighting Blindness was founded in 1971 to find cures for retinal diseases at a time when very little was known about those vision-robbing diseases. Over the past 43 years, the Foundation has raised nearly $600 million in its effort to reverse blindness and restore vision. Throughout its history, the Foundation has invested more than 75 percent of its revenue in research and public health education programs. The Foundation has 50 volunteer-led chapters across the U.S. These dedicated volunteers raise funds, increase public awareness and provide support to their communities.
Each year, Foundation Fighting Blindness runs over 50 walks nationwide, including a Chicagoland Walk. The Vision walk is a fun, family-friendly 5K walk taking place at Busse Woods Grove #28- Ned Brown Meadow, in Elk Grove Village. Join people who are committed to changing the future for those affected with retinal degenerative diseases. Money raised through VisionWalk supports the important research funded by the Foundation Fighting Blindness, a national 501(c)(3) organization.
To donate or register, click HERE!
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