Have you heard? the president is coming back home to chicago!
I’ll be at his “welcome home party” on Thursday July 23rd at 6pm at the Hyatt Regency- and I put details below on how you can join us! But first wanted to share a fun story. this all made me think of when I was asked to host an event for him at union station a couple years ago. will never forget, rode up in special motorcade car w/just Barack, Michelle, and an fresh entourage of super intense secret service agents. I was so nervous. all I could think about was not having a panic attack before delivering the “next president’s” introduction on stage before thousands of guests and millions watching on tv!
Funny thing was, Barack & Michelle were so happy, relaxed and comfortable, while I was freaking out, asking me all these questions about my life, work, family, friends. secretly all I wanted to do was practice my speech so not to mess up! They didn’t allow that. they were too interested in hearing what young people were going through, wanted & needed. I think I stuttered something about how we just want to know what’s going on and know what exactly we can do to make things better. now that I think about it. not a bad answer?
Anyway, the quick video clip above is the moment after I gave that intro (thus the flush post panic look in my face). can’t wait to see him again on the 23rd just as a relaxed happy guest! If interested in coming too, event info at
Do you need a band? We are available.