What better way to celebrate Mardi Gras in Chicago this year than with a themed cocktail party featuring a premium open bar, heavy hors d’oeuvres, a live dj, amazing raffle packages and dancing?! The annual Blackboard Affair takes place this year at The Chicago Cultural Center on Friday, February 8th at 7pm. VIP tickets are available and include a pre-party reception from 6-7pm with exclusive VIP bar access, co-hosted by Chicago Bear’s kicker Robbie Gould’s public charity, The Golden Touch. Here’s some pictures from last years’ event!!
Founded by Gould, the mission of The Goulden Touch is simply to help those in need. The idea is to balance the incredible importance of giving to others while also making charitable giving fun! The four pillars of the Goulden Touch are Education, Medical Research, Health and Wellness, and Social Service.
The Blackboard event is the annual fundraiser for the Associates Board of Working In the Schools (WITS). Hosted in February just in time for Mardi Gras, the event is a cool cocktail party, and masquerade attire is encouraged for all guests. Hosting this year’s celebration will be Nina Chantele, with music by DJ De La Chapelle, with an after party at Studio Paris! Time to pull out that mask, those beads, and dress to impress!
For tickets and other information, click here or contact erica@relevancecommunications.com or Brenda@witschicago.org
Hey, @WITSab! http://t.co/uyCLgv7h
RT @WITSchicago: Hey, @WITSab! http://t.co/uyCLgv7h