My name is Jon Landan (Some of you may know me as one of The #LandanTwins :)) & I just wanted to share with you an initiative that is near & dear to my heart Chicago Gateway Green! I have been involved with this charity for 15 years & have done everything from stuffing goody bags at Green Tie Ball, to chairing Green Tie Ball multiple times to now serving on The Board Of Directors of Chicago Gateway Green!
Our mission is simple & that is we are a non-profit organization dedicated to greening and beautifying Chicago’s expressways, gateways & neighborhoods! We are the 1st thing & last thing that Chicagoans & visitors see when they enter and leave our city & ultimately were one of the 1st #Greening initiatives in the country!
This Thursday we are having our 9th annual Gaming-for-Green & whether you like to play poker or party this is one of the #BEST charities of the summer! Please join me & Chicago to help support this great cause, all info is below & remember the official after-party is at The Underground. Thanks so much as always, buy your tickets now & see you all there!
ALERT! Listing & Coverage Request
Poker Tournament and Casino Night Set For July 17
What: Chicago Gateway Green’s Associate Board presents Gaming for Green, a poker tournament and casino night benefitting Chicago Gateway Green, the organization dedicated to greening and beautifying Chicago. Event guests will enjoy live music, and a variety of charitable gaming including roulette, craps, blackjack and bean bag toss, along with a fabulous raffle and poker prizes. Fine food & cocktails will also be offered including Galleria Marchetti’s famous Italian specialties and complimentary beverages with ticket purchase.
Where: Galleria Marchetti | 825 W. Erie Street, Chicago, IL
When: Thursday, July 17th, 2014 | 5:30pm Check-in | 6:45pm Cards Dealt
Who: Matt Spiegel, co-host of The McNeil & Spiegel Show on 670 The Score, emcees.
Associate Board hosts include:
Dom Merritt – Associate Board President, Manager of Gogo Air
Tommy Choi -Associate Board Vice President, Co-founder of Weinberg Choi Realty
Greg Pekarsky – Former Associate Board President, Co-owner/managing principle of Vesta Preferred, LLC.
How: $175 Buy-in | $50 Spectator ticket | $600 Buy-In Ticket Bundle of 5
Proceeds benefit Chicago Gateway Green |Grand prize is a $10,000 Main Event Seat at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas |
For tickets visit gatewaygreen.org/event/gaming-for-green
More about Chicago Gateway Green: Chicago Gateway Green is rooted in the spirit of civic pride and leadership first established in 1986 by its founder, the late Donald J. DePorter. Chicago Gateway Green is based in the belief that beauty and sustainability go hand-in-hand, and they continue to lead the charge in greening and beautifying the great city of Chicago.

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