Hey friends and fellow food enthusiasts, this is Dan Passarelli from Chicago power pop band The Bishop’s Daredevil Stunt Club. Thanks for reading my guest post.
Food and music are those kinds of arts that sometimes people just take for granted. I mean, people gotta eat; but they don’t always think about the skill and creativity that goes into making that tasty dish just right. Kind of the same with music. Music is ubiquitous. But many people don’t think about all the love, sweat and tears that goes into the songs they flip through on the radio.
Well, The Bishop’s Daredevil Stunt Club has been in the studio cranking out a 13-course meal and baking it with love. We have released a new single just in time for the new year which will be followed up by a 12-song album that we’re serving up in what we think will be a fun and interesting way.
The Appetizer
Our single, “The Woman Who Got Old,” was released in late December as sort of a New Year’s song. We wanted to write an introspective type song, but with a poppy flare. (I know. Can there be such a thing?!) The song tells the story about seeing yourself by observing others and touches on the timeless theme of denial of aging, as well. We had a lot of fun writing this one and have been fortunate enough to have gotten some great feedback from tastemakers on it as well. We hope you like it. It’s available as a free download here: https://thebishop.bandcamp.com/track/the-woman-who-got-old
The Main Course
Well, not so much a main course, really. More a chef’s tasting menu, if you will. We’ve dedicated 2016 to giving back to our loyal fan base and we’re doing something…well, kinda crazy. We’re giving away our next album one song at a time. The album is called Don’t Buy This Record and one song off the album will be released for free each month of 2016. Around the middle of each month, we are giving our fans a free song that adds up to the complete 12-song album by year’s end. We decided to approach this project both to give back to the people who have supported us for the nearly 10 years we’ve been playing together, as well as a way to challenge ourselves to continue writing, creating and growing musically.
Turning Up the Heat
So, yeah. We have a lot going on in 2016. Our first show of the year will be at Beat Kitchen on Saturday, January 9. Please come see us if you can. We’ll be playing old and new material. And please download “The Woman Who Got Old.” If you do, we’ll send you our next album as it unfolds throughout the year.
Dan Passarelli, bass and lead vocals
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