It’s Raining Cats and Dogs! Well, kind of

I hope your calendar is clear this Friday night. Why you ask? Because it will be raining cats and dogs of course! Ok, not literally. But it’s the Anti-Cruelty Society’s 12th Annual Fall Benefit, appropriately named: It’s Raining Cats & Dogs! What can you expect from this extraordinary event (and I can assure you, it will be extraordinary)? Here’s the inside scoop.

The Battle is Back: Five Chefs, Five Neighborhoods, Five Fares – and One, Locally Brewed Beer

It’s no secret that Chicago is home to some of the best restaurants in the country – scratch that, some of the best restaurants in the world. Yeah, I said it. With hot spots like Alinea, Next, Moto, and Tru – to name just a few, we give New York, San Fran, Paris, and Spain a run for their money. As a result, food fests, tastings, pairings, and other interactive culinary events regularly pop-up in neighborhoods around the city. A true food enthusiast, I try not to simply sample the most sought-out displays of deliciousness. I’ve learned with age (yes, in all of 26 years that I’ve lived) that some of the best bites are found at local dives, down random alleys, and in ethnic neighborhoods housing chefs with a real understanding of the food that they cook.

4th Annual American StreetBall Classic to Raise Money for Imerman Angels 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament

The 4th Annual American StreetBall Classic will be held on Saturday, October 20, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Attack Athletics. The tournament, sponsored by PERL Mortgage, brings together teams to take part in 3-on-3 basketball competitions, will benefit Imerman Angels. Imerman Angels provides personalized connections that enable 1-on-1 support among cancer fighters, survivors and caregivers. For a person newly diagnosed with cancer, no amount of media attention on the disease can substitute for a knowing companion who can empathize with their disease, someone who has been the patient themselves. Imerman Angels’ mission is to ensure no one faces cancer alone.
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Create the best late night Bar/Restaurant! Rockit Ranch bought Martini Ranch. You choose the concept Chicago! (update by Billy Dec)

UPDATE 10/19/12- THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN! The most voted for concept for our next venue was a play on a "Mexican Dive Bar" at 39% of the votes- so as of right now, we will proceed now in that direction!!!!! Please help us spread the word to hire the best staff for this project, and for positions available at our other Restaurants/Bars/ our Open Call for Jobs this Monday 10/22/12 from 2p-530p at Rockit Bar & Grill (22 W. Hubbard). See: & email [email protected] for info.

Lace up your shoes & pump up those tires – Get ready to roll!

Pull the jogging stroller out of the back of your closet, wipe the baby spit off your exercise clothes, pack some snacks for the kids and let’s run! Come join fellow Chicagoans and Neighborhood Parents Network (NPN) on October 28th for the Strollers in Front 5K Walk & Run at Montrose Harbor.

Focusing on Fashion: An Immaculate Collection

Everyone knows Chicago will be focusing on fashion this week because it’s…oh yeah Fashion Focus Chicago. And while I want to hit up every event this week has to offer, there are some events that are a little unique.

Open House Chicago Opens Its Door to All That Our Beautiful City Has To Offer

I’ve always been a natural hostess, someone who jumps at any and every chance to entertain my family and friends. Yet, whenever I have guests in town, I struggle with my role as a “tour guide,” wondering how to put Chicago on display without succumbing to the ever-popular, though quite cliché options of shopping on Michigan Ave., taking pictures in front of the Bean, or eating our way through the city (a city that, mind you, boasts some of the best restaurants in the world).

Chicago Ideas Week!

Today is the start of Chicago Ideas Week. Now what kind of ideas will be discussed? Lots. And what kind of people will be discussing said ideas? Amazing people.

Speed Dating At The Option Room (How Fitting)

Speed dating isn’t just for comic relief in movies anymore. I know what you’re thinking…speed dating? Really? Au contraire - While speed dating may seem so 10 years ago, it may be a great alternative to going on the prowl at the local sports bar down the block. Everyone knows that you choose whether you like a potential suitor within the first five minutes anyway, right? You’re either into the person, or they’re just not your type...then it’s on to the next one. That’s why speed dating is a perfect set up - there’s no pressure to walk away if you aren’t feeling it, the bell calls it quits and magically another cutie plops down across from you.