if you guys are friends with me on facebook or follow me on twitter then you know I love to share how my life is always crazy w/ random things always happening beyond my control! Well, earlier this week, during a meeting about my blog in my private office, a super nerd barged in & started causing chaos, so fast that I couldn’t tweet or facebook it, but somehow I caught it on video (see above)! i was so scared and thrown off at first (& worried she was a stripper) that i immediately started sweating as I normally do during my frequent panic attacks- turns out she wasn’t a stripper at all, but comedian angela riccio from rent a nerd and was a birthday gift for our new interactive marketing coordinator tim toomey!
you guys know how much i love chicago arts, theatre & appreciate those in it- & let me tell you that performance definitely took guts! so shout out to angel riccio who combines years of experience as a stand up comedienne to make us all laugh! rent a nerd is based in chicago & provides custom comedy entertainment for private & corporate events. it has grown from a one nerd operation in 1987 to present day with a “gaggle of geeks” booking about 800 performances a year! check out the video above to see some of the silliness!
it’s funny because july 9th, bob marley’s sober nephew decided to drop by my workplace. he needed copies made (i’m guessing of his failed manuscript), and my office decided to pull the #badeconomycard and deny his use of $2 of ink and paper. the violent scene that almost followed (and then returned 10 minutes later to bang descript morse code into the glass office windows) was an example of why bob marley wasn’t worried – just happy.