Here’s a great pic of me & chicago white sox coach ozzie guillen just seconds before I was asked to throw out the 1st pitch at a big game in front of tens of thousands of ppl last month. Man ozzie heckled the heck out of me (I still threw a strike!), and is all the strong, demanding, outspoken character you hear about & more!
There is a softer side to ozzie though that most don’t know about. take his event he is hosting “Salsa and Stars with Ozzie Guillen & Friends” – a great upcoming fundraising event to raise money for families and children in crisis. It will be hosted by the Ozzie Guillen Foundation and Chicago White Sox Charities and will feature a salsa jam session with ruben blads, tito nieves, Gilberto santa rosa and ocho y mas. Guests will also enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvers, and get amazing deals on a killer silent auction.
The event will take place at 6:30p on Monday, September 13th at the River East Arts Center and tickets are available at or by calling 312.674.5387! Spread & support!
The Ozzie Guillen foundation, founded by Guillen and his wife, is one of the most trusted organizations in Venezuela and helps improve the lives of children and their families affected by cancer. It has also expanded to support foster children and educational opportunities for the underserved.
Chicago White Sox Charities provides support to Chicago-based organizations offering support in education, athletics, and families in crisis. CWSC has donated millions since it was established in 1990 and strives to improve the quality of life for the people in Chicago.
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