For the last 5 years I have had the extreme honor of being asked to judge the annual auditions for the Luvabulls, the Chicago Bulls dance team that pumps up our awesome players & fans every game! It’s actually really tough to choose a final squad from the hundreds who compete for the spot as all are so super talented, cool, positive, energetic and wonderful representations of our great city! Anyway, a bunch of people who follow me on Twitter & Facebook were intrigued and wanted to see more, so here is a random quick video glimpse of what I embrace as one of my favorite, unique, lively.. jobs I take on as a volunteer for one day a year!
Oh, and to see the final 2012 Luvabulls Team that was just announced last night, see: CONGRATS TEAM!!!!
You asked for it, here’s video of me Judging 2012 Luvabulls Auditions: @ChicagoBulls @UnitedCenter
Fun! RT @billydec: You asked for it, here’s video of me Judging 2012 Luvabulls Auditions: @chicagobulls @unitedcenter