10 years ago my buddies David Schwimmer & Joey Slotnick were looking for new ways to raise money and awareness for their non profit theatre group Lookingglass to build their first home in the Historic Water Tower Pumping Station on Michigan Avenue. I strongly felt their was an active, art/theatre loving, socially conscious & supportive younger demographic in Chicago that would love to get behind it so I founded the Lookingglass Theatre’s Junior Board and kicked it all off with a giant 1000 person event called the Madhatter’s Ball that David, Joey & I hosted that was a huge success!
Each year the Junior Board got bigger & stronger raising more money & awareness about art & theatre in Chicago, and specifically Lookingglass productions, and their wonderful programs we began to support for kids. The buzz for Madhatter’s Ball has steadily also grown as a crazy, cooky evening of actors, art lovers, celebrities, philanthropists and more all coming together for a night of dining, drinking, auctions, costumes and good times. I am thrilled to say this is the 10 year anniversary of Madhatters and since the junior board has made my dream & vision come true and by taking it upon themselves to grow & produce the event better than ever, I will be attending as a guest and supporter!
I would love to see all of you out there this Saturday, June 25th at 8pm 1000 feet in the sky at the top of the John Hancock Observatory. Tickets also include a wristband to the after party at The Underground… All info on that and more can be found here – see you there!!!!! BTW, heads up, will be giving 2 tickets away Thursday 6/23 on www.twitter.com/BillyDec so make sure you follow me!
This is a great event. I want to now more about it and future events.