Update: here’s another event with president’s visit- my long time friend alexi giannoulias along w/ president obama will be at the palmer house on august 5th.. for info & tickets, click here!
No matter who you are or what you may stand for, being a guest at a relatively small event with the president of the united states of America, is an amazing experience that you will never forget. As you can see from this video, I have had the honor of hosting such an event in the past, and I have to say, to this day, people still thank me for inviting them to be a part of it all… so I thought I would share the opportunity once again…
Although I am not hosting or am officially attached to this particular event, I know it will be a great way to experience what I am talking about above. For tickets and info click here!
I love you and all that you stand for and what you do for this city.. But Billy I have a HUGE problem with you wearing a baseball hat to meet the president of the United States. I get you keep your dome covered but a ball cap? Come on I have seen you a million times with kick ass hats on ( not saying ball caps aren’t kick ass.. time and place ya know ). I will probably be lambasted for even bringing it up.. Sorry just my opinion.
hey chgochick- feel this event was different bc it was a rally at union station- but always display utmost respect when at the white house.. see here http://bit.ly/cL1cxn (not wearing hat) & thank you for the support!
Mr Dec it is “The President Of The United States of America” and you always remove your hat, Gentlemen know this.
I hear you- was given that Obama hat from event people before hitting the stage and was just trying to support! But again, I hear you