The beautiful city lights in Chicago sparked a romantic story that led me to write the song “City Lights” for my band, Ryan Powers and The Secret Weapons. On Saturday, May 18th at Lincoln Hall, I couldn’t be happier to be releasing the album that song is on. “City Lights” is romance in the darkness, infatuation in the rain, all set to the backdrop of this city that I call home. The city has inspired this vintage pop, romantic escape, lifting someone’s spirits, and trying to lift my own.
I am so excited to share this album with everyone, and when I began to start promoting its release I realized how odd a thing self-promotion is. I have my most important show to date coming up on 5/18 and I want to handle it in the right way. So, I have to be confident, but not cocky. I have to encourage and excite, but not exploit or act entitled. So how is that done? Not entirely sure other than be myself, share the romance this city and its people have inspired, try to express just how happy and proud I am of these new songs, and to make sure I invite everyone I’ve ever met to come to our show. Also, it’s not an easy thing to ask for help. But, it always helps if you do it in the right way, and hopefully I am.
So here’s my pitch: I love these songs. I love the guys I play them with. And if you would be up for sharing our music with your friends, I would love that too. The album is available for advanced streaming at here. Hope to see you Saturday, May 18th at Lincoln Hall.
Musically yours,
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