I was flipping thru channels last night and saw jessica biel on cnn w/ larry king talking about how millions of children around the world don’t have access to clean water, and thought about how when I was in 3rd grade at st clements, a speaker came in to teach us the same, and passed on many ways we can help conserve from as simple as turning the water off when brushing our teeth. That talk has actually stayed with me forever since couldn’t fathom that water could ever be scarce anywhere, but realized although I was trying to follow the speaker’s advice all these years, I never did any work to try and help share the message, so trying to help do that now.
I could run on and on about why this problem needs some attention, as its just that big of a problem around the world, but let me sum it up with the fact that every day over 3,000 children die of water-related diseases. This horrible situation is referred to the World Water Crisis and with the help of different organizations people are trying to help and make a difference. One of these organizations is UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund), which has created a campaign called UNICEF Tap Project(utp). UTP is based on a simple concept of restaurants asking patrons to donate $1 for the water they would usually enjoy for free and take for granted.
This program runs during World Water Week (in chicago and around the world), and to kick-it all off, we at SUNDA will host a benefit dinner March 19th, the Friday night before the big week begins! Tickets for the dinner are $100 and include a fabulous feast by our amazing executive Chef Rodelio Aglibot, open bar including great wines and sake. Proceeds from the dinner go towards UNICEF’s water and sanitation programs bringing clean and accessible water to millions of children around the world who don’t have the luxury of drinking clean water, so we hope you will join the effort, or atleast spread the message- thanks all. (for tix and info…. )
For a quick list of ways to conserve and other information on how to help… click below
I could run on and on about why this problem needs some attention, as its just that big of a problem around the world, but let me sum it up with the fact that every day over 3,000 children die of water-related diseases. This horrible situation is referred to the World Water Crisis and with the help of different organizations people are trying to help and make a difference. One of these organizations is UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund), which has created a campaign called UNICEF Tap Project (UTP). UTP is based on a simple concept of restaurants asking patrons to donate $1 for the water they would usually enjoy for free and take for granted.
This program runs during World Water Week (in chicago and around the world), and to kick-it all off, we at SUNDA will host a benefit dinner March 19th, the Friday night before the big week begins! Tickets for the dinner are $100 and include a fabulous feast by our amazing executive Chef Rodelio Aglibot, open bar including great wines and sake. Proceeds from the dinner go towards UNICEF’s water and sanitation programs bringing clean and accessible water to millions of children around the world who don’t have the luxury of drinking clean water, so we hope you will join the effort, or atl east spread the message- thanks all. (for tix and info email cathy@sundachicago.com)
By the way, here’s a quick list of ways you can help conserve and other ways to help…
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