Remember the 3-d movie “shakey” that was just filmed in chicago over the summer.. where I had a crazy improv scene w/a hairless rat (click here to see it)? Well, another chicago native that worked on the movie, Chris Pluchar, is joining up w/ Director Frank Ziede, and a ton of local talent & crew, to film a new zombie movie (see teaser above!) here in chicago, as soon as they find a couple more people to help the movie come to life!
The movie is called “No tomorrow” and its the story of a traveling man who loses his family in the early global outbreak. several months later, he’s become a battle hardened warrior surviving on his own, and as he journeys to safer lands, he rediscovers his humanity along the way. Chris recognizes the power of social media and looks forward to spreading the word about furthering this project, and pumping up filming in chicago in general.
The “no tomorrow” teaser above was shot entirely on the red one camera showing the beautiful landscapes of the midwest. the official website is equipped with photo gallery’s, media and a fully developed survival kit to assure that you will not become a flesh eater. To contact chris about possibly helping get the movie to the next level, email him at
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