Of all my one-a-day olympic celeb interviews (which we need you to share online as much as possible please before the Olympic decision in 9 days!), I think Christina’s was the funniest to film… I think she has an improv or comedy background? Anywho, from chicago to 90210, she was very excited to get on camera with me here to talk about why she thinks chicago is beautiful!
speaking of beautiful…..chicago is one of the most beautiful cities in the world in part because of local volunteers that make it their mission to continually improve it, like chicago gateway green & their annual green tie ball! I have always been such a supporter, that I even hosted it one year w/my buddy julie Lampert… for the thousands of the most fun, happy-looking, dedicated and energetic people that I have ever seen, w/ the almost 100 top chicago restaurants providing food & cocktails, w/one of the best silent auctions w/ seriously good finds… while amazing performances go on all over by top bands & dj’s,… all coming together in the most fun & memorable way, all just to make chicago look even more beautiful than it already is!
For Immediate Release
Chicago Gateway Green Presents Green Tie Ball XVIII
Rhapsody in Green September 26 at Chicago Illuminating Company
-Legendary Black-Tie Gala to Benefit the Urban Greening of Chicago-
CHICAGO (August 2009) – Chicago Gateway Green, dedicated to greening and beautifying Chicago’s expressways and communities, presents its signature annual fundraiser, Green Tie Ball XVIII – Rhapsody in Green. Generously supported by signature sponsors Allstate Insurance Company and the Kluth Family Foundation, the black-tie gala will be held on Saturday, September 26 at Chicago Illuminating Company and surrounding vicinity (2110 S. Wabash in the South Loop) from 8:30 p.m. – midnight.
The city’s most renowned affair is supported by an A-list executive committee and attracts thousands of Chicago’s prominent young professionals and generous donors. This year’s bash features an evening of lively entertainment, grand casino-style charitable gaming, tasting stations by top restaurants, premium cocktails, and a silent auction with one-of-a-kind packages. The sensational soiree will be co-chaired by Ginger Zee andRob Elgas of NBC5, and is also sponsored by Chicago magazine.
Tickets are $150 and can be purchased at www.gatewaygreen.org. VIP tickets are $225 and include a “green carpet” cocktail reception and gala preview starting at 6:30 p.m., private bars, lavish dessert buffet, live auction and access to the VIP Lounge all evening. The Emerald Lounge package is $4,000 for a reserved table of eight, private cocktail service, $2,500 in charitable gaming chips and a special gift. Space is limited.
Auction items will feature amazing packages such as an Eco-home makeover; VIP tickets to the Victoria’s Secret fashion show in New York City with a supermodel meet & greet and access to after-parties; “Palace by the Sea” fully staffed mansion in Manzanillo, Mexico; a first pitch at a Chicago Cubs game and more.
The Underground (56 W. Illinois St.) is hosting the exclusive after-party and will provide trolley service from the South Loop with complimentary access to Green Tie Ball guests.
Proceeds benefit urban greening organization Chicago Gateway Green, rated a four-star charity by non-profit watchdog Charity Navigator. For over 20 years, Chicago Gateway Green’s efforts to sustainably beautify Chicago include planting over 3,000 trees and hundreds of thousands of perennials and shrubs. These steps have improved air quality by offsetting vehicle carbon emissions, reducing noise pollution and mitigating urban heat island effects. The organization’s work is also aligned with the City of Chicago’s Climate Strategy Action Plan.
About Chicago Gateway Green
Dedicated to greening and beautifying the region’s expressways, gateways and communities, Chicago Gateway Green was founded in 1986 to benefit the environment and improve the quality of life for millions of Chicagoland residents and visitors.
A 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Chicago Gateway Green impacts the community with three key programs:Expressway Partnership, transforming city roadways into landscaped parkways; the International Sculpture Program, beautifying gateways through the installation of public, international art on expressways; and theTree Partnership, a large-scale tree planting initiative that transforms unused land into green spaces.
For more information, visit www.gatewaygreen.org.
# # #
Event Contact: Chicago Gateway Green Contact:
Michelle Molise PR April Djakoniya, Program Director
michelle@michellemolise.com adjakoniya@gatewaygreen.org
(313) 549-3137 cell (312) 540-9930 x222
The Olympics MUST be in Chicago because the people here are SO FRIENDLY, the streets are clean and well-kept (beautiful flowers in the spring and summer), and the food is out of this world. I mean, what more could you ask for? I am a Southern-California native and moved to Chicago 2 years ago, and I’m willing to stick out the terrible weather because this city has so much charm and personality! GO CHICAGO!
I have never been to this event and it always sounds so amazing. What the organization does greatly benefits everything and everyone around it. The beautification of an already gorgeous city paves the way not only for the now but for the generations to come. I mYself am always looking for ways to improve the community with new ideas and with great wisdom. If you have a few extra tickets for this event I have a great up and coming local photographer that I would like to introduce and take out. You should check him out yourself, he does music, fashion and events. (Ray at Komifoto, he’s on Twitter under komifoto) Thanks again B and have a great trip to Russia.
(not sure if post went through before so I am posting again)
What I most love about Chicago is the Multi-dimensional GREATNESS of IT! Chicago shouldn’t be seen from just one area to appreciate it but from ALL different areas. The BEST place to begin is what truly makes a city GREAT is its people. Chicago’s people are some of the friendliest, vibrant and passionate people anywhere in the world. We have the energy of the coasts but combined with the Midwestern values. It’s the best combination. We have the highest achievers in our city from the well known like Obama, Oprah, and Michael Jordan to those that silently work hard to make this city great. We have such great diversity in this city. People from every culture and ethnicity contribute to a truly global experience inside one metropolitan area. The many cultures contribute to the wonderful neighborhoods of Chicago. It’s like 100 different cities inside one large city. It’s FUN to go to the different neighborhoods. You often feel like you are traveling the world. Chicago truly is a global city that would be perfect for the Olympics. Another great area is our Architecture. There is no better collection of beautiful buildings in the whole world. We have the best skyline. I get Goosebumps driving into the city. One of my favorite reasons for living in the city is the wealth of opportunities from cultural events, to great nightlife , to incredible music and awesome food at fabulous restaurants like Rockit and Sunda. There is always something great to see, learn, eat or do. Lastly in relation to the Olympics, we have the best sports town in America from the quality of the organizations to the fans . The overall love of sport in our city is very high. There is none better. There are millions of ways this city is great. I shared some of those that stood out to me. I am so proud to say I am from CHICAGO!
The reason I would love tickets to the Green Tie Ball Is that I love to support a GREAT Cause. I look forward to going and meeting many wonderful people and celebrate this great city. I also hope to share my many wonderful experiences afterwards to let others know what a Great cause it is and what a great time I had.
Thank You for offering these tickets and for considering me in Celebration of this Wonderful City!
I agree with everything that Robert Gray said today. It is hard to follow that but I would like to add to it… I haven’t been to nearly enough places in the world, but be that as it may, Chicago is definitely my favorite. I’m confident that it will remain that way even after I explore the world. Chicago is made up of the most fantastic people that I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I have only lived here for three years but I fell in love the first month due to the plethora of events, people, places, and experiences it has to offer. The diversity in the city is among one of the best things that it has to offer, with which brings a variety of other bests including food, theatre, and festivals. The people here have created a great city. When people ask, I tell people with pride where I live and with confidence that I don’t plan on leaving.
I am a native Chicagoan. I have tried for years to find another city with all that Chicago offers. I have moved West and although it’s pretty it’s 1-dimensional. I have gone East and although it’s more 2-dimensional, it’s dirty and not so friendly. Chicago embodies all of this. We are truly a 3-Dimensional town, if not more. Where can you find food, culture, history, diversity, architecture, real-people, and so much more all withIN the city limits. And that doesn’t even begin to describe OUTside the city limits. From the traveling I have done in my life, I have never seen so much diversity OUTside the city limits. There is food, culture, history, diversity, architecture, real-people, and so much more in our wonderful suburbs as well.
The neighborhoods are a melting-pot of the world, the food is so wonderful and different with every mile you travel. The people are so very different. We have the rich and we have the poor. We have lots of people in the middle. We have so many organizations for help and support for all of our people. We are an accepting town, everyone is welcome with open arms no matter what their circumstance is. We have a lot of famous, important people from here. Chicagoan’s are so proud to be just that. If you ask a true Chicagoan they will tell you…you can go away from home…but there’s NO place like it, and THAT’s the truth.
The most beautiful thing about Chicago? Hard to pick…I’d say that the city itself, with its architecture and city life…but most of all, it’s the people. I’ve never met such interesting and friendly people…I constantly try to recruit friends from elsewhere to live here, it’s honestly the best city in the world!
Having traveled the world, the one thing I love about Chicago is that the people of this city take time out of their days to help more so than any other city. Whether it be stopping to give lost tourists directions to Michigan Ave., busy professionals volunteering to tutor underpriviledged children after school, or locals voicing their support for the greatest city on earth hosting the olympics, you can be sure that if you are in need of a helping hand a Chicagoan will always be there for you.
Chicago is one of the very few places that is beautiful 365 days a year. In the summer we have the gorgeous lakefront, movies in park in grant park where you’re surrounded by the city and free jazz in Millennium park – everywhere you go in Chicago the scenery is strikingly beautiful. During the winter nothing beats Michigan ave. lit up with Christmas lights and ice skating in Millennium park. One thing that keeps it beautiful is Chicago’s huge commitment to keeping clean and taking up different environmental initiatives throughout the year – and Gateway Green is a huge part of that. I’d love to attend the Green Tie ball, I’ve been wanting to go for a couple of years now but haven’t been able to buy tickets. I support Gateway Green during other parts of the year through volunteering and it’d be great to join in the annual celebration.
no matter where you are in the city….north, south or west side..the skyline draws you into the city..
you’re gonna see amazing sites in st pete and moscow..but when you land back in chicago…and drive into the city…that skyline is gonna put a big grin on your face !!
The people here in Chicago are the most absolutely stunning thing about the city. After spending some time around the country, I came back home only to find myself loving and enjoying every second in the Second City. People have been everything to me in Chicago. Opportunity never stops and fun is to be had all over with the most diverse and insane people (mostly cab drivers). The women are gorgeous, the men are unusually casual. What other city has a piece of Portland in Bucktown/Wicker Park (those hip to be hipsters), a slice of the south in every Halsted blues club, a smidge of the Jersey shore in the suburbanite Ed Hardy lovers, the outrageousness of San Fransisco in Boy’s Town, the fine-wine-and-dinner of the Loop, the collegiate youth of our city’s universities and the history (or lack there of) at Wrigley Field? We could introduce much much more too when the Olympics come rolling into town!
The people are what make this city so damn great. I wasn’t born in the city, but I sure felt like I was a part of it the moment I moved in.
Plus, that aluminum bean we have is pretty solid. Oh, and the Bears.
I started speedwalking on the lake recently — 7 miles, 5 days per week. I primarily walk for my health, but what keeps me going is my daily love affair with the lakefront and Chicago landscape. I’m a native, but my parents moved here shortly before I was born and never looked back. The rest of my family – east coasters – try to lure me there with the promise of oceanfronts, “culture,” and to live closer to my relatives. But why would I leave? We have the best food and nightlife, our skyline is THE most recognizable in the world, Chicago is a rich cultural epicenter that far exceeds its Midwestern label, the architecture is legendary, politics are fascinating and the people like to talk and have a good time. I can’t say enough. Even if you live here your entire life, there’s always something new to explore. Besides . . . living near relatives? Completely overrated!!
Billy – I definitely love Chicago as much as you do!!! I was born and raised in this city, and I couldn’t picture myself lasting anywhere else. I have been tempted at times by the sunny beaches all winter long on the West Coast, but there’s absolutely no way that I would stay anywhere other than here.
The people in this city are one of a kind. We’ve got such an amazing city – so big, yet the people here are always one to lend a hand, say hello, and shoot you a smile. An amazing history, an amazing skyline, beautiful architecture, a lakefront that lasts for miles with a boating crowd that knows how to have fun out on the water. The restaurants, the el, the Chicago Board of Trade, the Magnificent Mile, Navy Pier, Soldiers Field, Mike Ditka, Michael Jordan, Walter Payton….Barack Obama!
I must say, I was working with the casting agency that put together the dance for the Black Eyed Peas dance on Oprah, and that was something in and of itself. Gathering the masses to learn something and make history….such a great way to showcase our city. We’ve got art, music, airports, and have I already said some of the best restaurants on the planet??
We’ve got diversity, a green river every St. Patty’s day, a huge turnout for massive events like the fireworks on the 3rd…we’ve got it all.
I love what you’re doing, I’m always keeping up to speed about the Olympic fever you’re spreading across the world, and the Rockit burger is my favorite sandwich of all time. I would love to attend what sounds like an absolutely amazing event with company the likes of yourself. Please keep me in mind for the tickets too!
Chris Mahlmann
The most beautiful thing about Chicago is simple – our laid-back and friendly people
I deserve two tix to the Green Tie gala because it’s my birthday on September 26th!
Growing up in Chicago I have seen it all. Chicago’s beauty to me comes purely from the energy that inhabits every inch of this city…and quite frankly I believe that energy comes from within each and every one of us. With the Olympic Bid on the table and on the minds of us all, I see the resemblance of a similar vision Chicago holds to this World Wide Tradition. Chicago is a city filled with people of all descents, religions, races, creed, and beauty. Chicagoans are so accepting of all the colors this world has to offer, I mean where else can you go and find a bar devoted to the pride of another state? Just as the Olympics is a place where all countries can come together in spirit to celebrate the superior talents of each others world’s as one, Chicago is a melting pot that sits waiting for all with open arms. The Green Tie Ball is one amazing example of just what kind of power we “Chicagoans” bring to the table in promoting charity & spreading goodness to the lives of others. “Where there is unity, there is victory.” And Chicago shall continue to remain victorious.
I love everything that chgo has to offer here. We have some many different cultures here and alot of fun neighborhoods. I truely believe in helping great causes to make our city beautiful. V
Being born and raised in this city I have always had a great appreciation of Chicago. It wasn’t until I began traveling that I fully comprehended what this far from second city has to offer. The breathtaking architecture, history,culture, museums, gardens, parks, fests, FUN, food, beaches, concerts, fireworks, Da Bears, Bulls, Hawks, Cubs and ..White Sox too. What really ties it together are the people, this upbeat vibe exudes from the diverse folks that call Chi-town home.
I really wish that people would do more in helping make our city look beauitful all the time. I want tix to the event b/c I know that it’s helping a great cause & makes chgo more beautiful everyday.
The most beautiful thing to me about Chicago is the people. This city has such a richly diverse population that allows you to have access to so much of what the world has to offer. That is seen in the faces you see when walking down the street, the different neighborhoods as you drive around, and the best part is the variety of food that you can get in Chicago.
I strongly suppor the greening of Chicago. It would mean so much to be able to attend the Green Tie Ball!
Why chicago for 2016? Because it is truly one of the world’s best cities…and i’m not just saying that because I grew up in Chicagoland. I’ve been around the world and can honestly that each and every time I come to Chicago (or close enough to see the skyline) I feel “it”. The vibe of the city, the sound of the “el”, moving with the flow of of the Chicago community towards a common goal whethet it is the Olympics or just improving, the peacefulness of sitting on the lakefront watching the waves crash in, the energy buzzing from the CME, the smell of some of the world’s finest restaurants, and the “realness” of the people. People that are who they are, enjoying in their favorite hangout, talking to the random strangers around them, sharing their “Chicago” with others. It doesn’t matter if you’re a billionaire or a student, when your in the pub (or Rockit) you’re treated as an equal…a Chicagoan. Chicago has a “synergy” about it, one that can never be replicated…because it is created so naturally.
I would love to go to the Green Tie Ball for two reasons: the first and most important reason is that it is for a good cause. It benefits a great organization and a city I love. How could I not want to go? The second reason is that it will be a great time, lots of energetic people, and I am a huge foodie. Good cause, Fun people,great food. I’m there
I love the food, the people and the view of the city from the lakefront. Wheneber i look at the city, i just feel happiness that i grew up here. And i love that i can drop by wrigley field whenever i want! Whatever kind of food i have a taste for i can get it here. I live this city!
My absolute favorite part of the city is Lakeshore path. Walking south from North beach with the view of the skyline, beach and lake is surreal. From what I’ve heard, this event is a great way to celebrate everything beautiful in Chicago and I’d love to attend and support. Wishing everyone in Denmark the best!
Chicago is beautiful for it’s spirit. You cannot find a more spirited bunch of residents, neighbors, workers, and sports fans anywhere else in the world. That spirit unites unites the city, but has the power to unite the country and showcase our AMERICAN spirit to the world! I have no doubt that our our kind of town will become a beacon for everyone! I would love to go “paint the town” at the green tie ball to meet other like-minded citizens and learn about ways to “green” the city. Through projects like these, the city gains valuable funding for beautification efforts. This affair will likely be one to remember, who wouldn’t want to help you represent!
Chicago is hands down the best city in the world!!!
Whether your talking about the restaurants, the skyline, the down to earth people, the lakefront, or sports…chicago has it all. Unlike NYC where everyone is all huslte and bustle, or LA where everyone is a wanna be actor/actress, Chicagoans are down to earth, likable people, always ready to help out. There is nothing you could want that you couldn’t find in Chicago (well maybe the Eiffel Tower, but then again we have Trump Tower, and Willis Tower, and could possibly find a replica of the Eiffel if you really wanted it)….and we have the SOX, CUBS, BULLS, BEARS, DALEY, UNDERGROUND, the marathon (where world records were set), JORDAN, the lakefront, and cheap beer!
Now about those tickets, I would love to be a part of such a great event. Good food, good entertainment, and a way to make Chicago even better!
Hello Billy,
What is most beautiful about Chg is our scenery. It’s one of the main
purposes of the beautification projects sponsored by Green Tie organization
Our city is just Gorgeous…Simply put…the flowers n spring downtown & by lakeshore
drive compliments our Amazing Lake Michigan. How can u not love it.
Olympics here we come!!!
Although I’m from CHicago, I’ve lived many places including SoCal, Las Vegas, central Missouri, Beijing and Taipei! I’ve traveled many places too and no other place is as unique as this city. I think one of the biggest things that sets us apart is the feel of the city. Although Chicago is 3 million people strong, it still feels like a small town. It’s a place where you seem to know everyone and everyone seems to know you. Everyone’s so familiar, even if you’ve never met them before. I think that’s because of the camaraderie of this city and the fact that everyone’s friendly to one another. No other place that I’ve been seems to have that.
It’s also incredibly multi national. Not only do we have practically every ethnicity (the world, essentially) represented in 3 million people, there are a variety of faiths and religious practices that cater to the diversity of this city. And everyone lives happily–without dissent. Amazing! We embrace everyone–including representing traditional ethnic foods of each ethnicity. This is not to say that prejudice doesn’t exist here, but if discrimination does surface, people are very open to being corrected and taught to eradicate their ignorance. It’s wonderful.
Chicago’s ever evolving. I moved away for five years returning last year and I see a place visually very different than what I grew up with. The new condos and sky rises have served to beautify and add to the already existing wonderful architecture. In the past there might have been only one outpost of a store, say for example, Borders on Michigan Avenue or Potbelly’s on Lincoln. Now there’s a Potbelly and Border’s in practically every neighborhood. There’s multiple H&M’s, multiple Akira’s. For many years Chicago wasn’t like that. This new retail expansion doesn’t just serve revenue purposes, it shows that we’re a city open to change–that change is good and often needed for growth. And growing beautifully is what Chicago is doing.
The most beautiful thing about Chicago, in my opinion, isn’t something materialistic or tangable. It quite simply has an aura or energy all around it……everywhere you go! Regardless if you’re shopping, enjoying a show, attending a sporting event, eating out, walking the lakefront, or heading to a club….There is this special kind of energy I feel everytime I’m out and about. I love it! Chicago is definitely a city that can stand head and shoulders above many others.
The opportunity to attend the Green Tie Ball would be remarkable considering that I may never have this chance again! But more importantly, I’m a school teacher and our theme has been “Green It and Mean It” – just to try to get our young students to realize how important our Earth is and that now is the time to make caring for it a priority. This event fits perfectly with that, and I would truly enjoy the opportunity to gather some ideas to take back with me (as well as enjoy another outstanding evening in our wonderful city!)
Thanks, Billy! Have a safe trip.
Hi Billy! I have been following all your interviews and enthusiastic supporters of Chicago’s Olympic Bid. I have been here 19 years from the East Coast and this city has truly developed it’s place on the map” and an “A” class city. Chicago’s has multiple facets of it’s beauty. It has “green” beauty in form of it’s parks, boulevards and bicycle freindliness; it has architectural beauty with masterpieces of art and architecture, it has “athletic” beauty with it’s great sports teams, physical beauty with it’s “hot” people, artistic beauty with world class art and museums; and gustatory beauty with it’s high class restaurants;it has ethnic beauty populated by people of the world over. And finally the offsetting of carbon emissions by enhanced greenery and the dampening of noise pollution some of what Gateway Green does are remarkable and effective and contribute to Chicago’s beauty
All these together give Chicago a great personality and have placed it as an “A” class city on the world map. This will be evident when Chicago hosts the 2016 olympics (hopefully:))).
I have attended six olympics and I am sure Chicago will definitely shine and radiate it’s beauty for all the world to see.
This is one heck of a beautiful city. and I desire the tickets because I think the Gateway Green is an outstanding organization with a mission and belief that I support and believe in! I wish to share the evening with hundreds of other dedicated supportive , sensitive Chicagoans to celebrate this cause. I think it’ll be an outstanding party with great music and food and a way to thoroughly showcase Chicago’s beauty
Thanks for your consideration and onward for your trip to Moscow…”spacibo” and “dovedanya”!JT
Having lived on both coasts I sometimes found that people tend to disregard “middle America” and don’t consider it as a driving force in the nation, however, I find Chicago to be the heartbeat of the country…and am proud to see it continue to develop as a leading city. The community itself is far more friendly and unified than in other big cities, and when people join together anything is possible, (like the Olympics)!! Of course the architecture and history of the city adds to its unique character and grandure. Chicago offers diversity, culture, arts, music and DELICIOUS food to residents and visitors alike…and it is now the #1 Greenest City in the nation. The rest of the country had better start looking at Chicago as a role model…from the tops of our great buildings (green rooftops) to the volunteers on the street…Chicago has the right idea! But best of all…no snobbery here…Chicagoans may celebrate our accomplishments but will continue to work to achieve even more!
I love Chicago for everything it has to offer. From top to bottom this city is nothing short of amazing. I would absolutely love to go to the Green Tie Ball because it is truly something that I support in making this city even more beautiful and the people and company there would be truly amazing to experience. Growing up here for the first 25 years of my life and traveling all over the USA for work, I have tried to find somewhere as beautiful, clean, diverse, and as big as Chicago. It cant be done. I have been asked many times from friends that are visiting what they should do. The answer to that question is so hard to provide because there is so much to do in this town. From the beautiful skyline and lakefront, the historical landmarks in Chicago, Wrigley Field, Soldier Field, Adler Planetarium, Millenium Park, Sears Tower (Sorry cant call it Willis yet), the Museum Of Science and Industry and so much more. The thousands of restaurants offering food from every corner of the earth. The music that we offer including the concerts like Lollapalooza, Jazz Fest, Blues Fest and many more, along with the summer neighborhood streetfests and not to mention the nightlife from the clubs to pubs and sports bars, we are second to none here. The beautiful people all over this city, regardless of gender, or race, all of the people here are some of the greatest people around. The melting pot of neighborhoods from Greektown, to Chinatown, to Humboldt Park, to the many more neighborhoods offer such great food and culture, show our diversity as a great great city. I havent even got to our sports teams which have the most amazing fans in sports. From the Cubs to the Sox, and the resurgent Blackhawks, to Midway Jay and the Chicago Bears, Derrick Rose and the Bulls the Chicago Fire, Wolves, so many teams which we come out and support like no other city does. One of the best things about this city though is its cleanliness as well as it being one of the best Green cities on the planet. Everything i hear from friends that visit when they leave, is they cant believe how clean our city is from top to bottom. It all starts with Mayor Daley and goes to great people like the ones at Gateway Green. People who care about the city and want nothing short of the best for it, by making it green, keeping it clean, and making it the most beautiful city on the planet. I could continue to write about how amazing Chicago is but heres to hoping that come 2016 Chicago can show the world what all of us Chicagoans call home and why we all feel lucky to be here.
I think the most beautiful part of Chicago is the view of the city from the lakeshore running and biking path at anytime of day looking towwards the city. Thai view is what makes Chicago so special and beautiful compared to other cities. Even when people
are biking up and down the path, the path seems so peaceful, quiet, and calming. The lakefront path can be enjoyed by anyone of any age for free and is a Chicago attraction that everyone can truly appreciate and enjoy!
Living in the city but working in the burbs gives me the opportunity to really appreciate Chicago every day as I drive home (or take the Metra, which is great to have the option) and I am welcomed home by the most spectacular skyline in the country. It is fascinating to see the skyline change from month to month, especially from summer to fall! Our city is beautiful in all 4 seasons, and to see everyone out and about appreciating the parks, the theaters, the culture and cuisine year-round, speaks volumes for what Chicago has to offer and share with the rest of the world.
I have always wanted to go to the Green Tie Ball and have not been among the fortunate to experience it. Would greatly appreciate the opportunity to be Cinderella for the night, possibly meet my Prince Charming, but most of all to partake in this legendary event supporting the efforts to make Chicago even more beautiful and attractive, if that is even possible!
Billy, you are known for making things happen, can you wave your wand and grant me my wish?
its ootragirl…the one that speaks to you every once in awhile on twitter…which i am loving…almost one year on…
i have lived in the city for 6 years..&been intensely…busy creating ootra…to bring forth to our peops&tweops…ootra is about bringing people together& having them feeling special….i am a very passionate soul towards bringing smiles to faces..i began this company so that i could help show others..you can dream..perservere& make it happen..
though..one of my faults..i am NOT good at asking…
i give more than i would ever take……but..this event is an important one for the city of chicago..more than ever now..as we are approaching the win of the olympic bid….i truly would love an opportunity to attend & identify how ootra and myself can help this organization in the future….
i thank you for this opportunity to write …b…as i have said to you on twitter…you are a shining star in this city..and how you have followed your passion..branded your energy…and made it happen….i have great admiration for you…and know that despite all…..it can be very lonely..surrounded by so many…i have watched bt with effen and now kilo….the two of you …well..have made quite the impression on me as leaders…of pushing myself to the extreme…and KNOWING it WILL happen…
thank you..so very much…and please keep being the leader you are…you have made IMPACT on more than you know…and deeper within than you will ever comprehend…
Who won? I can’t find it anywhere?
hi achicagothing.com readers!
this is katierose, billy’s assistant.
thanks for checking out the blog and your support in all things chicago.
the lucky readers heading to the green tie ball this weekend are……
christie, brooks, robert, maya, sandra, chris, gina, tony, josie and lisa.
thanks everyone – keep on reading!
katierose, which chris won if you dont mind me askin cause there were 2 chris’ above
hey there!
sorry, it’s the other chris – chris melhman. please keep reading though – we are giving away tickets all the time!!!