if you follow me on twitter, you can get in on all my “behind the scenes” experiences as they are happening. like the time i told you all on twitter that i was about to interview david cook from “american idol” before his big dinner at sunda, and you all hit me w/ hundreds of tweets back wanting me to ask him specific questions! well, as promised, i gladly asked him some of them here for you….enjoy!
oh, and i thought since i am launching one celebrity interview here a day until i land in copenhagen on oct 2nd to see if chicago/usa wins the honor of being the host of the 2016 olympics, that it would be particularly great to release this one today since ryan seacrest texted me that he is in town casting for the next “american idol” today! you know you have that one friend that needs to know about these auditions! that and it only helps chicago (and the entire usa in general) if you spread the news about these celebrity endorsements to help get the olympics back in our home country…..so spread achicagothing.com anyway you can!
for details on american idol auditions, go to…..www.americanidol.com/auditions
Great interview. Great editing. Thank you.
hmmmmm…. :-/