i grew up down the street from chicago’s infamous biograph theatre – been going there since my grade school days at st. clements when movies where $1 on tuesday (omg) – so it was super shocking to see how redesigned and upgraded it is. now showcasing amazing theatre productions like this one i visited to interview chicago actor bill petersen. i cut to the highlights for you all so it’s a quick taste – which was hard – we shared so much awesome love for chicago we lost track of time!
by the way, hope you are coming to my party tonight?!?!?!?! it’s at rockit (22 w. hubbard) from 7-9pm w/ food, drink, celeb video previews, familiar faces….and fun! its only a suggested donation of $20 to benefit youth sport efforts in chicago, thru “world sport chicago” – which makes it a great cause – good fun – and a perfect way for me to say thank you to you for giving me a chance to share this with you all…..really hope to see ya at least stop in to say hi!
William Petersen is awesome, love him on CSI. I agree Billy, there is a strong connection with all parts of our city, theatre, sports, the many cultures. Would be a great thing to host the Olympics in our city, with all the venues so close together and all close to our greatest asset, Lake Michigan! Rock on!! (and everyone go see Blackbird, now playing at the Biograph, Victory Gardens).
CONNECTION w/ all parts…. good call Maralyn… appreciate you
I have just finished a quilt that was machine emerbidory and put together an quilted on the embroidery machine. I have the second one all the machine embroidery is finished and now to put it together and get it quilted on the embroider machine. Then next I have the designs, fabric, and thread for a candlewick design quilt. With all this on my plate I know where my embroidery machine is, do you know where and what your embroidery machine is doing?