Sophia has been a friend for a while and if I had to say what is special about her, it’s that she has an intense passion for doing what’s right… that’s why I was so happy to see how supportive she was toward working to win the 2016 Olympics in the united states of America… she even squeezed this interview in on the way to getting her tonsils out! enjoy!
as for me, if you are following me on twitter (click here to follow), you know i am leaving russia in the morning to make my way through sweden, on my way to copenhagen to meet mrs. obama & my fellow chicago 2016 olympic committee members for the official 2016 olympic host announcement on oct 2nd where i am sure chicago will win! especially if everyone helps now…
you can help by just sharing all the celebrity messages on this site w/ your friends, family, coworkers & everyone else you can for the next couple days… by email, phone, facebook, twitter, chatboards,… which helps these celebrities virally get the word out to the world that chicago (and the u.s in general) will be the perfect place to hold the 2016 olympics, and that americans are all very excited to host all who can join us (including the 4.4+ billion people watching on tv) for the most amazing sport, cultural & friendship strengthening event ever! thank you for your help everyone & keep spreading the news!
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