My guys from the plain white t’s are a straight up “chicago band” in my book… not just because they are from here, but because they are down to earth, loyal, sweet, smart, talented, giving guys… tom actually was super nice enough to come out and play solo for me when I launched as host of an nbc show “24/7” a couple years ago, and really all the guys seemed to have always supported our venues at one point or another by just hanging out while in their home town city…
which really brings me to what is most important to me about these guys, they call chicago home, they are proud of it, and they really just support and celebrate our city… by keeping us in their music and videos! I love that so much, I integrated some of their work into their interview here… as they talk about how great chicago is, and how amazing it would be to have the Olympics here in 2016… it’s a beautiful thing! thanks guys and good luck!
My guys from the plain white t’s are a straight up “chicago band” in my book… not just because they are from here, but because they are down to earth, loyal, sweet, smart, talented, giving guys… tom actually was super nice enough to come out and play solo for me when I launched as host of an nbc show “24/7” a couple years ago, and really all the guys seemed to have always supported our venues at one point or another by just hanging out while in their home town city…
which really brings me to what is most important to me about these guys, they call chicago home, they are proud of it, and they really just support and celebrate our city… by keeping us in their music and videos! I love that so much, I integrated some of their work into their interview here… as they talk about how great chicago is, and how amazing it would be to have the Olympics here in 2016… it’s a beautiful thing! thanks guys and good luck!
my celebrity interview blog post a day until I get to Copenhagen on oct 2nd is almost coming to an end… we only have 10 days left!!!! Now more than ever we all need you to share these videos by phone, face to face, email, facebook, twitter… to let the world know how great chicago (& the usa in general) is and how much we want to welcome the world for the greatest sport, cultural and friendship making event in history!
speaking of music in chicago, this friday we have the amazing ting tings performing live at rockit bar & grill river north!!! sponsored by 101.9 the mix – i have 20 tickets for the people that best tell me, in comment section below, what their favorite 2016 celeb video is and why! winners will be announced wednesday by 5pm.
I absolutely love your Zach Braff interview, not only because he is a favorite actor, but because in your interview he seemed absolutely passionate about the Olympics coming here. I also loved the comedic energy you two had and I could definitely feel the love both of you have for Chicago and the Olympics coming here, which would be a great thing for us as Chicagoans, as well as Americans.
I love the 2016 celeb vid with Joel from E! soup. I love the fact that he repeatedly says the best thing about Chicago is the hot dogs and pizza and you can’t seem to finish youe questions without laughing because he interups you with his sill comments and how he would like to compete in ice dance at the Olympics lol
Without a doubt, Dwyane Wade fo sho! First off, you have an Olympic gold medalist who was under a lot of pressure to bring USA Basketball back to gold glory, and of course, DWade is from Chicago! I think that’s a pretty high profile interview and Wade answered all the questions honestly (except the Bulls ones =) ) which is somewhat rare in today’s athlete. No publicist filter!
Please send 2 Ting Ting tix my way please. My wife has been a big fan since Glastonbury this summer!
Best celeb interview? Luol Deng. This boy has traveled a long way to get where he is today. He’ll be carrying the hopes of Great Britain on his back in 2012 and fingers crossed he’ll still be a Chi-town resident in 2016.
I loved Sean Hayes interview the best because you were both laughing so hard that it made me laugh. “Beer, pizza, Oprah, beer and pizza” were some excellent reasons Sean thought of….so funny. It’s hard with these trying times to have a good laugh, so THAT interview was my favorite.
Would love to have some Bears tickets, didn’t get to go to a Bears game last year and haven’t gone this year either…love them, just can’t afford the tickets!!! My dog, Bosley, even wears a BEARS dog collar!!!!! Thanks Billy, for the laughs and the fun all the time. Go to Copenhagen and bring it home baby!!!!
My favorite Olympic video, was the one with Michael Jordan. It really shows what a great city Chicago is. It also shows how much people care about the city and how welcoming they are. The people can tell you a lot about a city. The people in this video tell me Chicago is an amazing place…. Bring on The Olympics
It might just be that they are fresh in my mind, but I would have to say Plain White T’s would have to be my favorite so far. All the interview are great- don’t get me wrong. But Plain White T’s are Chicago- They have Chicago in their videos and they were able to really explain to the viewers why Chicago is so great. Living here- we know it inside out! I love this city and listening to them talk about Chicago and sharing the reasons that I like it as well- was just great.
Hey- was that interview at Hotel Allegro?
I actually love ALL the interviews and is hard to pick just one for many reasons but If I had to name a favorite it would Josh Kelley & Ryan Cabrera. I love there energy and enthusiasm towards CHICAGO.I think it was Awesome how they freesstyled a song about Chicago. What talents they are.What LOVE they and Billy have for this GREAT City!
I love the one with yourself and Senor George Lopez, why? Because you have a Hispanic Comedian who is a man that represents a large population of what Chicago is made of and thenits you, Billy Dec, a marvelous genius who has all the connections here in Chicago and all over the US im sure…to make this Chicago 2016 bid happen!;)
Billy, I think David Cook’s interview was the most touching for me. Very down to earth, Billy! I wasn’t sure if you would ask him about his brother but the way you approached it was very respectful. I love the editing with his “Light on” song playing in the background while he talked about how his music helped him get through his grief.
My favorite 2016 celeb video would have to be the one with nick cannon. He’s one of the hottest comedians/hip hop artists/lucky guys in the world married to Mariah Carey. Having him endorse the Chica-GO 2016 Olympics helps push the hip hop community to endorse it too.
Definitely Joel McHale. This guy is hilarious. “What are the Olympics?” “The horse events would be tough out on the water.” Haha. Plus, that shirt is one-upping Jimmy Buffet. Does he wear Adidas track pants all the time, like in the Community pilot? I hope so. Go Chicago!
favorite video: you gotta be kidding me!! I am just happy that you are doing this. Our city is wonderful. Summer in Chicago? Can’t beat it. i like George Lopez emphasis on diversity: “that’s how we roll”
S Epatha was graceful & lovely and Billy Dec rocks. I am so glad you are on the team that is trying to make this happen. 2016 Olympics – Chicago – Yeah!!
I love the ting tings!! Now shut up and let me go! Hey!
The Sean Hayes video for sure! Not only is he absolutely hilarious but he makes a wonderful point about Chicago being a melting pot of countless cultures – making it the perfect place for the 2016 Olympics!
Favorite video……David Cook for being so sincere and honest. I truly believe he loves Chicago and all it has to offer! A second favorite is Jimmy Falon for simply being “Jimmy Falon”! He’s hilarious!!
Also, great move interviewing some “top notch” athletes, Billy. No one can compare Chicago to most other cities like they can. Nice work!
Go Chicago……2016!!
Favorite video……David Cook for being so sincere and honest. I truly believe he loves Chicago and all it has to offer. A second favorite is Jimmy Falon for simply being “Jimmy Falon”. He’s hilarious!
Also, great job interviewing some “top notch” atheletes! Nobody can compare Chicago to other cities quite like they can!! Nice work!
Go Chicago……….2016!!
The Plain White T’s interview is my favorite since I’m a huge fan of theirs! They are hometown boys who know and love Chicago and truthfully speak from the heart in praising the city, the landmarks, the institutes and the people. With their international recognition, I think a lot of their fans around the world would be aware of their support of the 2016 Olympics in Chicago. I hope Plain White T’s get a chance to perform at the opening ceremonies when the Olympics does come to our awesome city!
I have two favorites.. I loved both the Josh Kelley and Zach Braff interviews. I loved Josh Kelley’s song @ the end it just tied the whole piece together. Zach Braff is pretty much the funniest guy in the whole world!
Hands down the favorite Chicago 2016 interview is the interview that Billy did with Jay Mariotti. The reason this specific interview resonates with me so much is due to the tremendous influence Jay has sports writer / commentary. He’s high respected in his field of work and his knowledge about sports has both breadth and depth.
Hi Readers!
This is KatieRose, Billy’s assistant.
Thanks so much for your continued support in all things Chicago!
The lucky winners going to the Ting Tings are…….
Amy, Lynne, Rox, David, George, Andy, Mark, Nancy, Jocelyn & Amri – have fun guys!