if you follow me on twitter, you know i am a travel freak! i’m writing this from moscow for goodness sake! combine that w/ my life long restaurant background, and my obsession for eating everything i can….and bang! i am of course a huge fan of andrew zimmern and his tv show “bizarre foods!” and if that wasn’t enough in and of itself, wait till you see what he told me about chicago’s food culture! now i really like him!
Speaking of our world class food culture, I have been bragging about a local culinary event for a year now that blew my mind called “Chicago Gourmet”… and it’s finally back this weekend! Not only does this even showcase the top talent of Chicago’s culinary community (including my guys chef james & the food buddha from rockit & sunda) through 2 days of high-end food & wine tastings, demos & educational seminars… but it all happens outside in beautiful millennium park! 50 chefs, 300 wine makers, 65 spirits providers… it’s amazing!
Tickets are available at www.ChicagoGourmet.org for $150/day or $250 for a two-day pass… and since I will be in Russia… I am giving my 2 passes away to my friendly supporter that best describes why andrew’s comment about our food culture is right on! Comment below and we will pick a winner by 5pm today
Andrew’s comments on the ability of food to bring people together hits the nail on the head. Given current impressions of the United States throughout the world, bringing people to Chicago with the 2016 Olympics would give them an incredible sense of our hospitality, particularly in Chicago. In addition to the games themselves, visitors would be impressed with the culinary culture in Chicago. Not only has Chicago developed its own distinct style, it has incorporated the cuisines of many other cultures as seen in all of the great fusion restaurants throughout the city (Sunda, Roy’s, Chaise to name a few!)
We would also benefit from Olympic visitors bringing their food cultures to Chicago. Compared to the U.S., the eating customs of other cultures often place greater significance on meals. We could learn a lot from their eating styles, and maybe pick up a few delicious culinary secrets along the way!
The Best, Bravo, Magnificant! There is no better city for FOOD in the country if not the world. What makes us so great is the passion we put into our food combined with the diversity of the offerings. We are a friendly, vibrant and exciting culture and that gets expressed in our great food and restaurants. This isn’t just my opinion numerous food and restaurant critics have voted us the best city for food in the United States. We have the top Restaurant in the US in our great city in Alinea and I think Sunda and Rockit should join the list as well. An unofficially I was watching Jay Leno last night and he was interviewing Vince Vaughn about our great city. They started talking about Chicago Food. Then Jay said there is no better city in the country for Food then Chicago. I totally agree. I have lived and traveled this country and found while there are islands of goodness there is only one place that brings together the quality, the passion, the diversity and yes the great taste. Thats why theres no lace I would rather be then right here in Chicago! AN dthats why theres no place I rather go then to Clebrate the AWESOME and incredible FOOD then the Chicago Gourmet. I would love to Thank the Top Chefs and winemakers for there contribution to this city. Thanks for the great interview. All this talk of FOOD has got me hungry, I am off to eat
Andrew Zimmern was not only right about the Chicago food culture, he hit it dead on! Chicago has more than ever earned the right to be called “America’s best food city”. The collaboration of some of the country’s (and worlds!) best chefs have escalated our city to elite status in not only taste, but diversity. I have traveled the country tasting various cuisines, from southern to western and eastern, and no where compares to Chicago. We have an incredibly diverse world representation who have put a Midwest spin on their crafts:
Rick Bayless taking Mexican food to a new level
Rodelio Aglibot bringing his incredible Asian fare (thank god spicy tuna crispy rice finally arrived!)
Art Smith showing how southern food is done in the Midwest
Chris Nugent serving up delectable French food
This list can keep going for days, and trust me, there is no shortage of our Chicago chefs.
The best part for visitors? As Andrew Zimmern said, Chicagoans are some of the friendliest around…we’ll welcome you with open arms.
nicely put josh! i hope you enjoy your two tickets to the chicago gourmet food festival. i’ll email with more details – our food buddha, rodelio will be there so you can thank him in person for bringing his spicy tuna crispy rice to chicago. thanks for your support – take care! -katierose (executive assistant to billy dec)