I’m supposed to be writing my speech for the huge chicago hospitality industry rally today at 4pm but think I’d rather wing it and just write here a bit? Wonder if coach mike ditka is doing the same? He is speaking too… It’s sorta one of those things where you are so passionate about it you have way too much to say in 5min… combined with being so immersed that you don’t feel like it’s something you write down…? oh I am procrastinating bad… that and I am designing a new dj booth which you cant really do unless you get into the heads of millions of customers in millions of scenarios to see what they like and dislike about its design and placement… all when they don’t really exist yet… hmmm, no wonder I am delaying this speech… think will mention how 4.4billion olympic viewers equates to 3+million tourists a year for chicago…. oh, I’m also really excited about this gathering I have in 10min where I donated my time (and lunch!) too speak with some high school kids looking for advice in becoming an entrepreneur… wow, hope they at least enjoy the food? Still not writing the speech… although should mention the $22.5billion economic stimulus to the city/state the games bring and 315,000 jobs will give all here a nice boost… although don’t see ditka really writing stuff like down? or a speech in general for that matter? He’s cool like that… After lunch, off to cubs/sox game front row dugout w/a new friend who is teaching me about social media (who would cringe at what I am doing right now) to sit and enjoy game with the good folks at tribune… maybe network… maybe will think of speech then? Gotta remember to jump in cab at 330p to get to mccormick place to speak at 4p in front of thousands of rowdy excited people! And give that speech im not writing…. Which I think I should just go on about how much I love to serve this city and hope people cheer… And then off to work til 3am making sure we contribute to chicago hospitality in the highest levels to keep this city on top! (bet by then I come up with what I should have said in my speech for sure)… good times!
The Hyatt Regency Grand Ballroom.. 151 w wacker drive today 4-6p…. Seeya there!!!!
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