Youth violence, dropping out of high school, homelessness. These are the real-life struggles that kids growing up in some Chicago neighborhoods face every day. And they aren’t going away any time soon without your help.
How can you make a difference?
On March 8th you can help break this cycle by jumping on a spinning bike to raise money for Chicago’s at risk youth at our Spin to Break the Cycle event.
Organized by World Sport Chicago, the legacy organization of the Chicago 2016 Olympic bid, this event will help continue the amazing work they have doing for the last 7 years using sport to help kids build a better future.
While sport is great for physical fitness, its also a great tool for strengthening the character of kids. World Sport Chicago has been proving this by implementing programs that are helping reduce violent crime by over 40%, raising high school graduation rates and creating safe play areas.

President Barack Obama drops by a “Becoming a Man” program roundtable at the Hyde Park Career Academy in Chicago (2/15/13)
As D.J., a mentor in one of the programs, called Becoming a Man: Sports Edition, said, many of the youth in Chicago communities are growing up without the benefit of stable homes and communities, “many of the kids in our communities are raising themselves. They need support in learning about accountability, responsibility, integrity, positive anger expression.”
The sports programs that World Sport Chicago has created are playing a key part in teaching core values to youth men and women and helping youth learn how to manage the social and emotional challenges they face everyday in their communities.
Join in helping spread the impact of these programs. Sign up today at (registration ends on Friday, February 28th) and join us at House of Blues for a fun, high energy spinning event on March 8th that makes you a part of breaking the cycle of violence and hopelessness in some of our communities.
– Scott Myers, Director of World Sport Chicago
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